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Povezanost demografskih odlika, kognitivnog funkcionisanja i funkcionalne nezavisnosti kod bolesnika posle moždanog udara

dc.creatorArsić, Slađana
dc.creatorKonstantinović, Ljubica
dc.creatorEminović, Fadilj
dc.creatorPavlović, Dragan
dc.description.abstractIntroduction It has been assumed that there is causality of the achieved level of functional independence with the degree of preservation of cognitive function in stroke patients. Demographic characteristics may be important for monitoring the achieved level of functional independence. Objective The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of demographic characteristics and functional independence in regard to the level of cognitive impairment in stroke patients. Methods The study included 50 stroke patients after rehabilitation, as well as age- and gender-matched 50 subjects selected randomly, according to the demographic characteristics of the studied sample, who in their medical history had no neurological disorders. For the assessment of functional independence, the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) test was used. The general cognition was estimated by the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) test. The statistical analyses included the Mann-Whitney test, for two independent samples, measures of canonical correlation, and χ2 test. Results There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in relation to risk factors, hypertension and diabetes mellitus type II (p lt 0.001); There was a statistically significant difference within the groups in relation to the cognitive impairment in all the examined demographic characteristics (p lt 0.001); the differences within the groups in relation to the cognitive impairment are present on all subscales of the FIM test (p lt 0.05); the differences within the groups in relation to handedness, hemiparesis, show that mild cognitive impairment is more common among left hemiparesis, while a more severe one is more common among right-sided hemiparesis (p lt 0.05); More severe cognitive impairment is common among women, the elderly and in persons with lower education (p lt 0.05). Conclusion By prevention of risk factors, and prevention of possible cognitive impairment, consequences of stroke can be reduced, the recovery can be made more successful, and quality of life can be improved.en
dc.description.abstractUvod Pretpostavlja se da postoji uslovljenost postignutog nivoa funkcionalne nezavisnosti sa stepenom očuvanosti kognitivnih funkcija kod bolesnika posle moždanog udara. Demografske odlike mogu biti značajne u praćenju postignutog nivoa funkcionalne nezavisnosti. Cilj rada Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita odnos demografskih odlika i funkcionalne nezavisnosti u odnosu na nivo kognitivnog oštećenja kod bolesnika posle moždanog udara. Metode rada Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 50 bolesnika posle moždanog udara u procesu rehabilitacije i 50 ispitanika odabranih metodom slučajnog uzorka, usklađenih prema demografskim odlikama, koji u svojoj anamnezi nisu imali neurološka oboljenja. Za procenu funkcionalne nezavisnosti korišćen je FIM test (engl. Functional Independence Measure), za procenu kognitivnog stanja korišćena je MMSE skala (engl. Mini Mental State Examination), dok su za statističku obradu podataka korišćeni Man-Vitnijev (Mann-Whitney) test, neparametrijski test za dva nezavisna uzorka, mere kanoničke korelacije i χ2-test. Rezultati Postoji statistički značajna razlika između grupa u pogledu faktora rizika, hipertenzije i dijabetes melitusa tip II (p lt 0,001). Statistički značajna unutargrupna razlika zabeležena je i u odnosu na kognitivno oštećenje kod svih ispitanih demografskih odlika (p lt 0,001). Unutar- grupna razlika u odnosu na kognitivno oštećenje postojala je na svim supskalama FIM testa (p lt 0,05). Unutargrupna razlika u odnosu na lateralizovanost hemipareza pokazala je da je blago kognitivno oštećenje češće kod levostranih, dok je teže oštećenje češće kod desnostranih hemipare- za (p lt 0,05). Teže kognitivno oštećenje je bilo češće kod žena, kod osoba starije životne dobi i ispitanika nižeg obrazovanja (p lt 0,05). Zaključak Prevencijom faktora rizika i mogućih kognitivnih oštećenja posledice moždanog udara mogu se umanjiti; oporavak će biti uspešniji, a kvalitet života bolesnika
dc.publisherSrpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceSrpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
dc.subjectdemographic characteristicsen
dc.subjectcognitive functionen
dc.subjectfunctional independenceen
dc.subjectmoždani udarsr
dc.subjectdemografske karakteristikesr
dc.subjectkognitivne funkcijesr
dc.subjectfunkcionalna nezavisnostsr
dc.titleCorrelation between demographic characteristics, cognitive functioning and functional independence in stroke patientsen
dc.titlePovezanost demografskih odlika, kognitivnog funkcionisanja i funkcionalne nezavisnosti kod bolesnika posle moždanog udarasr
dc.citation.other144(1-2): 31-37



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