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Kvalitet života odraslih osoba sa oštećenjem vida

dc.creatorJablan, Branka
dc.creatorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorVranić, Marija
dc.description.abstractVisual impairments significantly affect the level of participation in carrying out everyday, professional and other activities, and, consequently, the quality of life of an individual. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between time of onset of visual impairment, age and the degree of visual impairment, and the quality of life of adults with visual impairments. The sample consisted of 44 respondents and the sample was divided into two age groups: respondents aged from 18 to 35 years and respondents aged from 35 to 60 years. Data on the quality of life of persons with visual impairments were collected using the National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire - 25 (VFQ-25). The results showed that persons, whose visual impairment came at earlier age are more satisfied with their quality of life (M=96.27) compared to those, whose visual impairment occurred later in life (AM=107.37), (F=4, 94; p=0.032). Statistically significant difference between respondents divided into two age categories was not found in this study. Statistically significant difference between the degree of visual impairment and quality of life was determined. Blind adults are more dissatisfied with the quality of life (AM=100.51) compared to persons with visual impairments (AM=89.66); (F=5.20; p=0.028).en
dc.description.abstractOštećenje vida značajno utiče na nivo učešća u obavljanju svakodnevnih, profesionalnih i drugih aktivnosti pa samim tim na kvalitet života osobe. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje odnosa između vremena nastanka oštećenja vida, godina starosti i stepena oštećanja vida i kvaliteta života odraslih osoba sa oštećenjem vida. Uzorkom su obuhvaćena 44 ispitanika podeljena u dve starosne grupe: ispitanici od 18 do 35 godina i od 35 do 60 godina. Podaci o kvalitetu života osoba sa oštećenjem vida prikupljeni su primenom Upitnika za procenu vizuelnog funkcionisanja Nacionalnog instituta za oftalmologiju - 25 (National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire - 25 (VFQ-25). Rezultati pokazuju da su osobe kod kojih je do oštećenja vida došlo u ranom životnom dobu zadovoljnije kvalitetom života (AS=96,27) u odnosu na one kod kojih je oštećenje vida nastupilo kasnije tokom života (AS=107,37), (F=4,94; p=0,032). U ovom istraživanju nije registrovana statistički značajna razlika između ispitanika podeljenih u dve starosne kategorije. Između stepena oštećenja vida i kvaliteta života utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika. Slepe odrasle osobe su nezadovoljnije kvalitetom života (AS=100,51) od slabovidih (AS=89,66); (F=5,20; p=0,028).sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.subjectquality of lifeen
dc.subjectadults with visual impairmentsen
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.subjectodrasle osobe sa oštećenjem vidasr
dc.titleQuality of life in adults with visual impairmentsen
dc.titleKvalitet života odraslih osoba sa oštećenjem vidasr
dc.citation.other22(1): 9-21



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