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Usvojenost gradiva kao kriterijum ocenjivanja učenika sa telesnom invalidnošću

dc.creatorIlić-Stošović, Danijela
dc.description.abstractThere are numerous factors which participate in the creation of school grades, including the level of knowledge of the taught subject, motivation interests, devotion, attitude toward school and learning at school. Hills (1992) said that evaluations include gathering data on the development of a child and its studying, and that it determines the important points with the aim of illuminating the goals and tasks of a study plan and helps in the creation of individual programs, as well as in the communication between the parents and other persons who are involved in the learning process. Nevertheless, when a gradation of pupils in one class is done, it is primarily done based on the level of knowledge (how well the student has learned the material). How important the level of knowledge of the material taught and learned at school is evident in the fact that there were numerous attempts to give normative for each grade in the handbooks for evaluation/grading. Those were attempts which were aimed at establishing criteria according to some taxonomy, establishment of norms which were aimed at equalizing the standards of evaluations and grading systems amongst teachers, and to decrease the negative effects of subjective factors on the worthiness of school grades. This paper is aimed at showing the relationship between a numerical grade and shown level of knowledge by children with physical handicap. With this correlation it is possible to have insight into the extent of how much knowledge, and not some other factors influence the creation of a numeric grade. The study was conducted in two Belgrade primary schools for pupils with physical handicap("Miodrag Mitic" and "Dr Dragan Hercog") and "Milan Petrovic" in Novi Sad. The sample consisted of 58 pupils in grades one to eight. The acquired results confirm the theory that the level of knowledge of the material taught is one of the most significant factors in creation a numerical grade, but also show that in schools for pupils with physical handicap there is a presence of distinct discrepancy between the achieved grade and the level knowledge the student possesses. Objectively we can say that the level of acquired knowledge correlated within 2/3 with the grade very good (4), for the subject Serbian language; whereas in Math the grade excellent (5) correlates with perfect knowledge of the material taught. In other achievements there were no correlations observed with the grade achieved.en
dc.description.abstractBrojni su faktori koju učestvuju u kreiranju školske ocene, kao što su usvojenost gradiva (školsko znanje), motivacija, interesovanje, zalaganje stav prema školi i školskom učenju. Tako, Hils (1992) za ocenjivanje kaže da ono uključuje sakupljanje podataka o razvoju deteta i njegovom učenju determiniše bitne stavke u cilju osvetljavanja ciljeva i zadataka nastavnog programa i pomaže uključivanju informacija u planove za individualne programe, kao i da pomaže komunikaciju između roditelja i ostalih lica koja su uključena u proces obrazovanja. Ipak, kada se vrši gradacija učenika u jednom odeljenju, ona se prvenstveno vrši prema nivou usvojenosti gradiva. Kolika je važnost pokazanog školskog znanja za kreiranje ocene govori i to da su postojali brojni pokušaji da se pravilnicima o ocenjivanju daju normativi za svaku ocenu. Bili su to pokušaju kojima su se nastojali utvrđivati kriterijumi prema nekoj taksonomiji, određivale su se norme koje su imale za cilj da približe, ujednače standarde ocenjivanja među nastavnicima, kao i da smanje nepovoljno dejstvo subjektivnih faktora na valjanost školskih ocena. Rad ima za cilj da prikaže odnos numeričke ocene i pokazanog znanja učenika sa telesnom invalidnošću. Ovom korelacijom moguće je dobiti uvid u to u kolikoj meri znanje, a ne neki drugi faktori učestvuju u kreiranju numeričke ocene. Istraživanje je obavljeno u dve osnovne škole za obrazovanje učenika sa telesnom invalidnošću u Beogradu (OŠ "Miodrag Matić" i OŠ "Dr Dragan Hercog") i OŠ "Milan Petrović" u Novom Sadu. Uzorak je činilo 58 učenika od I do VIII razreda. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju teorijski stav da je usvojenost gradiva jedan od bitnih faktora u kreiranju numeričke ocene, ali i ukazuju na to da je u školama za učenike sa telesnom invalidnošću prisutna izrazita diskrepanca između dobijene ocene i pokazanog znanja. Objektivno možemo tvrditi da usvojenost gradiva u okviru 2/3 korelira sa ocenom vrlo dobar (4) kada je u pitanju Srpski jezik, dok potpuna usvojenost gradiva korelira sa ocenom odličan (5) kada je u pitanju gradivo Matematike. U ostalim postignućima nisu pronađene korelacije sa dobijenom
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
dc.subjectlevel of knowledge acquireden
dc.subjectcriterion for gradingen
dc.subjectpupils with physical handicapen
dc.subjectusvojenost gradivasr
dc.subjectkriterijumi ocenjivanjasr
dc.subjectučenici sa telesnom invalidnošćusr
dc.titleThe level of knowledge acquired as criterion for evaluation of children with physical handicapen
dc.titleUsvojenost gradiva kao kriterijum ocenjivanja učenika sa telesnom invalidnošćusr
dc.citation.other(1-2): 151-160

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