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Šta tiflolozi u Srbiji misle o inkluzivnom obrazovanju i koliko su o tome informisani?

dc.creatorJablan, Branka
dc.creatorStanimirović, Dragana
dc.creatorMaksimović, Jasna
dc.creatorSrbović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractThe introduction of inclusive education (IE) is a major challenge for teachers, educators, professional associates and special educators. Teachers and educators are in need of knowledge and skills necessary to modify methods of working with children with disabilities, utilize teaching aids, adapt premises, and work in a team. The role and job of a special educator for visually impaired persons in the educational process is to provide support for students with visual impairments, directly or indirectly. The aim of this study was to determine what special educators for visually impaired persons in Serbia think and how well they are informed about the IE. The sample consisted of 43 special educators for visually impaired persons. For research purposes, we constructed a questionnaire composed of several parts (sociodemographic characteristics, information, opinion on the adequacy of ideas of IE, opinion about the usefulness of IE, opinion about the necessity of pre-conditions for IE, thinking about the possibility of realization of IE in Serbia and opinion on the role of special educators for visually impaired persons in IE. For each proposed claim, the respondents were able to determine the extent of their agreement on a five-point Likert scale. Analysis of the results showed that special educators for visually impaired persons expressed a positive opinion regarding the ideas and possibilities of implementation of IE, which presents a good basis for their involvement in the process. The following conditions were indicated as necessary for the implementation of IE in Serbia: preparation of teachers and educators in mainstream schools and the increase in their professional competence for working with blind and visually impaired children, preparation of their typically developing peers, accommodation of the environment and the acquisition of teaching aids, formation of professional teams. A slightly negative opinion about the usefulness of IE is in accordance with the opinion regarding the necessity of the appropriate preconditions in Serbia. This opinion is more negative among special educators for visually impaired persons than among teachers, which is perhaps related to the concern for their employment and the uncertainty in the realization of new roles at work. It is important to say that it is necessary to improve the awareness of employed special educators for visually impaired persons about IE, and they themselves are aware of that fact.en
dc.description.abstractUvođenje inkluzivnog obrazovanja (IO) predstavlja veliki izazov za nastavnike, vaspitače, stručne saradnike i specijalne nastavnike. Nastavnicima i vaspitačima su potrebna znanja i veštine za prilagođavanje metoda za rad sa decom sa smetnjama u razvoju, korišćenje nastavnih sredstava, prilagođavanje prostora, timski rad. Uloga i posao tiflologa u vaspitno-obrazovnom procesu je da, posredno ili neposredno, pruža podršku učenicima sa oštećenjem vida. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da utvrdi šta tiflolozi u Srbiji misle i koliko su informisani o IO. Uzorak su činila 43 tiflologa. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruisali smo upitnik sastavljen iz nekoliko celina (sociodemografske karakteristike, informisanost, mišljenje o adekvatnosti ideje IO, mišljenje o korisnosti IO, mišljenje o neophodnosti preduslova za IO, mišljenje o mogućnosti realizacije IO u Srbiji i mišljenje o ulozi tiflologa u IO). Za svaku ponuđenu tvrdnju ispitanik je mogao da odredi stepen svog slaganja na petostepenoj skali Likertovog tipa.Analiza rezultata je pokazala da su tiflolozi iskazali pozitivno mišljenje u pogledu same ideje i mogućnosti implementacije IO, što je dobra osnova za njihovo angažovanje u tom procesu. Kao neophodne preduslove za implementaciju IO u Srbiji navodili su: pripremu učitelja i nastavnika u redovnim školama i povećanje njihove stručne kompetencije za rad sa slepom i slabovidom decom, pripremu vršnjaka tipičnog razvoja, akomodaciju prostora i nabavku nastavnih sredstava i pomagala, formiranje stručnih timova. U skladu sa ovim je i blago negativno mišljenje o korisnosti IO. Ovo mišljenje je negativnije kod nastavnika nego kod vaspitača, što je možda u vezi sa zabrinutošću za radno mesto i nesigurnošću u ostvarivanju novih radnih uloga. Važno je reći i da je neophodno poboljšati informisanost zaposlenih tiflologa o IO, čega su i sami svesni.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
dc.subjectinclusive educationen
dc.subjectspecial educators for visually impaired personsen
dc.subjectinkluzivno obrazovanjesr
dc.titleWhat do special educators for visually impaired persons in Serbia think about inclusive education and how well are they informed?en
dc.titleŠta tiflolozi u Srbiji misle o inkluzivnom obrazovanju i koliko su o tome informisani?sr
dc.citation.other13(1): 51-71



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