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Razlike u vulnerabilnosti majki i očeva dece s ometenošću

dc.creatorDragojević, Nada
dc.creatorMilačić-Vidojević, Ivona
dc.description.abstractPresuming the premise on pervasive influence of child's disability, as an accidental, unexpected stressful event, on parental subsystem, we tried to establish whether there are differences in vulnerability between mothers and fathers of children with disabilities. The objective of this study was to determine whether there are differences in research variables, i.e. in self-assessment of basic parental personality support, in evaluation of stressfulness of the living situation, in assessing the usage of coping mechanisms and in estimation of family system functioning between mothers and fathers, namely: a) within a group of parents of children with disabilities and b) in relation to a group of parents of children with typical development. The null hypothesis was posed. Five groups of parents of children with different categories of disability (N=307), from Belgrade and other Serbian towns, and one group of parents of children of typical development (N=61) were tested by a battery of evaluation test scales. The results indicate that inclination towards feeling of physical inaptitude is significantly stronger in mothers than in fathers of children with disabilities (t=.008), expressed in the responses to the Basic Personality Supports Questionnaire (UBOL/xr) Mothers (t=.000), as well as fathers (t=.000) of children with disabilities appear to use strategy of active coping with problems more often than parents of children of typical development (F-COPS/r-Family Crisis-Oriented Scales). Compared with mothers of children of typical development, mothers of children with disabilities appear to use all basic personality supports less intensively (t=.001-.033). Mothers use the strategy of active coping more often (t=.000), and have experienced more negative life events (t=.012), which they evaluate as being significantly more stressful (t=.001), They also evaluate their experiences of positively perceived life events as being more stressful (t=.013) (The List of Life Events). The conclusion on more pronounced vulnerability of mothers in relation to fathers of children with disability is presented on the basis of findings about more prominent feelings of physical inaptitude reported by mothers, as well as indirectly, through the results on much more significant differences between mothers than between fathers of children with disability and children of typical development.en
dc.description.abstractPolazeći od postavke o pervazivnom uticaju ometenosti deteta, kao akcidentnog, neočekivanog stresnog događaja na roditeljski subsistem, pokušali smo da utvrdimo da li postoje razlike u vulnerabilnosti između majki i očeva dece s ometenošću. Cilj izvedenog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li postoje razlike u istraživačkim varijablama tj. u samoproceni korišćenja bazičnih oslonaca ličnosti roditelja, u proceni stresnosti životne situacije, u proceni korišćenja mehanizama prevladavanja i u proceni funkcionisanja porodičnog sistema između majki i očeva, i to: a) unutar grupe roditelja dece s ometenošću i b) u odnosu na grupu roditelja dece tipičnog razvoja. Postavljena je nulta hipoteza. Baterijom skala procene ispitano je pet grupa roditelja (N=307), iz Beograda i gradova Srbije, s decom različitih kategorija ometenosti i jedna grupa roditelja dece tipičnog razvoja (N=61). Rezultati ukazuju na to da majke dece s ometenošću u većoj meri nego očevi doživljavaju osećanje nemoći (t=.008), iskazanu u odgovorima na Upitniku o bazičnim osloncima ličnosti (UBOL/ xr). Strategiju aktivnog suočavanja sa problemima (F-COPS/r-Family Crisis-Oriented Scales), značajno češće koriste i majke(t=.000) i očevi ometene dece (t=.000) nego roditelji dece tipičnog razvoja. U odnosu na majke dece tipičnog razvoja, majke dece s ometenošću značajno slabije koriste sva četiri bazična oslonca ličnosti (t=.001-033), značajno češće koriste strategiju aktivnog suočavanja (t=.000), doživljavaju veći broj negativnih životnih događaja (t=.012), koje procenjuju kao značajno stresogenije (t=.001), kao i pozitivno doživljene događaje (t=.013) (Lista životnih događaja). Zaključak o izraženijoj vulnerabilnosti majki u odnosu na očeve dece s ometenošču izveden je na osnovu nalaza o izraženijoj nemoći majki, kao i posredno, preko nalaza o više značajnih razlika između majki nego očeva između ispitivanih grupa roditelja ometene dece i dece tipičnog
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
dc.subjectparents of children with disabilitiesen
dc.subjectbasic personality supporten
dc.subjectcoping strategiesen
dc.subjectfamily cohesivenessen
dc.subjectroditelji dece s ometenošćusr
dc.subjectbazični oslonci ličnostisr
dc.subjectstrategije prevladavanjasr
dc.subjectporodična kohezivnostsr
dc.titleDifferences in vulnerability between mothers and fathers of children with disabilitiesen
dc.titleRazlike u vulnerabilnosti majki i očeva dece s ometenošćusr
dc.citation.other10(4): 573-593

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