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Unaccompanied child migrants and refugees in serbia: standards of treatment and the level of protection of the child’s rights

dc.creatorĆopić, Sanja
dc.creatorĆopić, Slobodan
dc.description.abstractDeca čine oko jedne trećine migranata i izbeglica koji su u kontekstu migrantsko-izbegličke krize tokom proteklih nekoliko godina došli u Evropu. Prema podacima Komesarijata za izbeglice i migracije, od 2015. godine, posmatrano na godišnjem niovu, deca u proseku čine oko 40% ukupnog broja lica koja su izrazila nameru za azil u Srbiji, od čega su oko 6% deca bez pratnje. Deca migranti i izbeglice, posebno deca bez pratnje, prepoznata su kao posebno ranjiva grupa migranata i izbeglica. Okolnosti usled kojih dolazi do migracija i izbeglištva, okolnosti pod kojima se migracija odvija i okolnosti u kojima se deca nalaze u zemlji privremene ili trajne destinacije predstavljaju značajne faktore rizika za njihovu bezbednost i dobrobit. Stoga se u odnosu na ovu kategoriju mora postupati s posebnom pažnjom, uz obezbeđivanje pomoći, podrške i zaštite u skladu sa procenjenim najboljim interesom deteta. Cilj ovog rada je analiza nivoa poštovanja standarda postupanja prema deci migrantima i izbeglicama u Srbiji, s posebnim fokusom na decu bez pratnje, vezano za postupanje na granici, prihvat i zbrinjavanje. U radu se polazi od analize standarda postupanja prema deci koji su postavljeni međunarodnim instrumentima za zaštitu dece u vanrednim situacijama i pozitivnim propisima Republike Srbije. Poseban fokus je na analizi operativnih procedura za zaštitu dece migranata i izbeglica, posebno onih bez pratnje i izazova sa kojima se institucije i organizacije susreću u praksi. U zaključnom delu se ukazuje na pravce daljeg rada na obezbeđivanju adekvatnog postupanja, integracije i socijalne inkluzije dece migranata i izbeglica u Srbiji.sr
dc.description.abstractChildren make up about one third of migrants and refugees who came to Europe in the context of the migrant/refugee crisis over the past several years. According to the data of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, since 2015, on average, children account for about 40% of the total number of asylum seekers in Serbia, out of which about 6% are unaccompanied children. Child migrants and refugees, especially unaccompanied children, have been recognized as particularly vulnerable groups of migrants and refugees. The circumstances that lead to migration, the circumstances under which migration occurs and the circumstances in which children find themselves in the country of temporary or permanent destination represent significant risk factors for their safety and well-being. Therefore, special attention must be paid to this category of migrants and refuges, providing them assistance, support and protection based on the individual assessment of the child's best interest. The aim of this paper is to analyze the level of compliance with the standards of treatment of child migrants and refugees in Serbia, with a special focus on unaccompanied children and related to border treatment, reception and care. The paper starts with a brief analysis of the standards of treatment of children set up by international instruments for the protection of children in emergency situations and normative framework of the Republic of Serbia. A special focus is on the analysis of the procedures for the protection of child migrants and refugees, especially unaccompanied children, their implementation in practice and challenges faced by institutions and organizations in Serbia. Possible directions of further work on ensuring adequate treatment, integration and social inclusion of the child migrants and refugees in Serbia are pointed out in the concluding part.sr
dc.publisherBeograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/47011/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istražovanjasr
dc.subjectdeca bez pratnjesr
dc.subjectstandardi postupanjasr
dc.subjectunaccompanied childrensr
dc.subjectstandards of protectionsr
dc.titleDeca migrant i izbeglice bez pratnje u Srbiji: Standardi postupanja i nivo poštovanja njihovih pravasr
dc.titleUnaccompanied child migrants and refugees in serbia: standards of treatment and the level of protection of the child’s rightssr



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