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Attitudes of Professionals in Serbia on Gender Equality and Gender-based Violence: The Research Results

dc.creatorĆopić, Sanja
dc.creatorŠaćiri, Bejan
dc.description.abstractZa promenu rodnog režima i osiguravanje poštovanja rodne ravnopravnosti potrebno je raditi na eliminisanju negativnih rodnih stereotipa i diskriminatornih praksi prema ženama. U tom cilju, važno je utvrditi koji su to rodni stereotipi koji su prisutni kod onih koji dolaze u kontakt sa ženama žrtvama rodno zasnovane diskriminacije i nasilja, a koji mogu negativno da utiču na odnos prema njima i onemoguće blagovremenu i adekvatnu reakciju i efikasnu zaštitu žena. Viktimološko društvo Srbije je 2019. sprovelo istraživanje čiji je cilj bio ispitivanje stavova stručnjaka i stručnjakinja u državnim institucijama, ustanovama, nezavisnim telima i organizacijama civilnog društva u Srbiji o rodnoj ravnopravnosti i rodno zasnovanom nasilju i iskustvima i izazovima u radu sa žrtvama rodno zasnovanog nasilja, posebno Romkinjama i ženama sa sela. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 199 ispitanika iz 21 lokalne zajednice u četiri regiona u Srbiji. Rad ima za cilj da prikaže deo rezultata ovog istraživanja koji se tiču stavova stručnjaka i stručnjakinja o rodnoj ravnopravnosti i rodno zasnovanom
dc.description.abstractIn 2019 the Victimology Society of Serbia conducted the survey aimed at assessing the attitudes of professionals who work in state institutions, independent state agencies and civil society organizations in Serbia about gender equality and genderbased violence, and collecting data on their experiences and challenges in dealing with gender-based violence victims, especially Roma women and women in rural areas. The survey was a part of the broader project aimed to contribute to policy and practice changes to ensure the recognition of harmful gender stereotypes and gender discrimination and to ensure suppression and timely response in cases of gender-based violence. It was a part of the program “Ending Violence against Women in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey: Implementing Norms, Changing Minds”, implemented by the UN Women and funded by the European Commission. The survey was conducted on a sample of 199 respondents from the police, courts, prosecutors’ offices, social welfare centres, independent institutions and civil society organizations, in 21 local communities in Serbia. The survey findings suggested that in general practitioners involved in the survey do not have negative attitudes towards gender equality and gender-based violence. However, when looking at some individual statements on the scales of attitudes on gender equality and gender-based violence, as well as answers to additional questions regarding the role of women and men at home, one can still conclude that traditional (gender) stereotypes are present in respondents of both sexes. The survey results also revealed a lack of knowledge about gender-based violence, which can result in the victim not being recognized, blaming the victim, failing to provide necessary assistance, support and protection, leading to re-victimization and secondary victimization. On average, male respondents have more conservative attitudes towards gender equality and gender-based violence than women. Older respondents, and consequently respondents with longer working experience, have more negative attitudes towards gender equality and gender-based violence than younger respondents. Respondents working in the judiciary, police and prosecution have more negative attitudes towards gender equality and gender-based violence than respondents from independent state bodies, centres for social work and civil society organizations. Attitudes on gender equality proved to be a strong predictor of attitudes about different forms of gender-based violence. Therefore, it is necessary to work further on raising awareness and strengthening capacities of practitioners in state institutions and civil society organizations on issues related to gender equality and gender-based violence, as well as on raising public awareness, including (potential) victims of gender inequality and gender-based violence, so that citizens can recognize their own or victimization of others and seek help and protect their
dc.publisherViktimološko društvo Srbijesr
dc.subjectrodna ravnopravnostsr
dc.subjectrodno zasnovano nasiljesr
dc.subjectgender equalitysr
dc.subjectgender based-violencesr
dc.titleStavovi stručnjaka i stručnjakinja u Srbiji o rodnoj ravnopravnosti i rodno zasnovanom nasilju: Rezultati istraživanjasr
dc.titleAttitudes of Professionals in Serbia on Gender Equality and Gender-based Violence: The Research Resultssr



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