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Protection of migrants' rights in Serbia: from humanitarian protection to integration and social inclusion

dc.creatorĆopić, Sanja
dc.creatorĆopić, Slobodan
dc.description.abstractU odgovoru na migrantsko-izbegličku krizu, koja je eskalirala 2015. godine, Srbija, koja se našla na tzv. zapadnobalkanskoj migracionoj ruti, je, uz pomoć međunarodnih organizacija i domaćih organizacija civilnog društva, preduzela niz mera kako bi migrantima i izbeglicama obezbedila humanitarni prihvat i zbrinjavanje, uključujući smeštaj, zdravstvenu zaštitu, pomoć, podršku i pristup postupku azila. Naučene lekcije poslužile su za određena unapređenja praktičnih mera i procedura, kao i za nastavak reformskog procesa na harmonizaciji zakonskih rešenja o azilu i politici migracija sa pravnim tekovinama Evropske unije. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da ukaže na to u kojoj meri su odgovori institucija u pogledu zaštite prava migranata u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima, sa kojim izazovima su institucije u Srbiji suočene i koji bi bili pravci daljeg rada na obezbeđivanju integracije i socijalne inkluzije migranata, odnosno izbeglica koji ostaju u Srbiji. Rad je zasnovan na triangulaciji podataka prikupljenih kvalitativnom analizom međunarodnog i nacionalnog normativnog okvira relevantnog za zaštitu prava izbeglica i migranata i analitičkih dokumenata državnih institucija i organizacija civilnog društva o poštovanju prava izbeglica i migranata u Srbiji. U radu se polazi od pregleda međunarodnih standarda za zaštitu prava migranata. Sledi prikaz pojedinih mera i aktivnosti institucija usmerenih na humanitarno zbrinjavanje migranata, s jedne, i njihovu integraciju i socijalnu inkluziju, sa druge strane, i analiza zakonodavnog okvira. U zaključnom delu je ukazano na neke od izazova sa kojima se institucije suočavaju, kao i na moguće korake za dalji rad na integraciji i socijalnoj inkluziji izbeglica i migranata.sr
dc.description.abstractMinistry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, Border Police Directorate Serbia faced the increase in irregular migration particularly during 2015, when it found itself in the so-called Western Balkan migration route. The state, with the assistance of international organizations and local civil society organizations, has taken a number of measures to provide migrants and refugees with humanitarian assistance, including accommodation, health care, assistance and support, and access to the asylum procedure. The lessons learnt have served to make certain improvements in practice, as well as a basis for further reforms of the normative framework relevant for the asylum system and migration policy. This paper aims to illustrate the extent to which the institutions' responses to the protection of the rights of migrants are in line with international standards, which challenges institutions in Serbia face with and what would be direction for further work on ensuring integration and social inclusion of refugees. The article is based on triangulation of data collected by qualitative analysis of the international and national legal framework relevant for the protection of the rights of refugees and migrants and analytical documents of state institutions, independent afencies and civil society organizations on the level of respect of the rights of refugees and migrants in Serbia. The paper starts with a brief overview of international standards for the protection of migrants' rights. This is followed by the review of some measures and activities of institutions aimed at humanitarian care of migrants in Serbia, on the one hand, and their integration and social inclusion, on the other, and the analysis of the normative framework in the field of asylum. The concluding part brings some challenges faced by the institutions and possible steps for more adequate and efficient integration and social inclusion of refugees and migrants.sr
dc.publisherBeograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanjasr
dc.subjectljudska pravasr
dc.subjecthuman rightssr
dc.titleZaštita prava migranata u Srbiji: Od humanitarnog zbrinjavanja ka integraciji i socijalnoj inkluzijisr
dc.titleProtection of migrants' rights in Serbia: from humanitarian protection to integration and social inclusionsr



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