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Modern trends in education of defectologists

dc.creatorVuković, Mile
dc.creatorEškirović, Branka
dc.description.abstractRazvoj defektološke teorije i prakse nužno vodi ka potrebi permanentnog osavremenjavanja obrazovanja defektologa, kao jedinog visoko specijalizovanog stručnjaka za rad sa osobama sa biopsihosocijalnim oštećenjima koja za posledicu imaju teškoće u socijalnoj integraciji. U ovom radu pokušali smo da, na osnovu analize sistema obrazovanja defektologa u drugim zemljama i trenutnih društvenih uticaja i očekivanja, damo viziju osavremenjavaanja obrazovanja defektologa kod nas. U radu nisu saopštena eksplicitna rešenja, već je dat osnov za razmišljanje svima onima koji su zainteresovani za ovo područje. Mišljenja smo da ova vizija može da predstavlja koristan osnov na putu stvaranja što boljih uslova za potpunu socijalnu integraciju osoba sa invaliditetom. Ovakav koncept studija je veoma potreban, nakon skoro tri decenije tradicije visokog obrazovanja defektologa.sr
dc.description.abstractThe development of special education theory and practice necessarily leads towards a need for permanent modernisation of education of SE (Special Education) teachers, the only professionals with high degree expertise to deal with people with bio-psycho-social handicaps that result in difficulties in social integration. In this research, based on an analysis of SE education systems in other countries, as well as of existing social influences and expectations, we tried to develop a vision of modernization of SE education in Serbia. The paper does not offer any explicit suggestions, but only possible grounds for considerations to all who are interested in this area. Hopefully, our vision might prove useful in search for better conditions which would enable complete social integration of handicapped persons. Further studies of this and similar types are much needed after almost three decades of high SE education in Serbia.sr
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbijesr
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanjesr
dc.subjectobrazovanje dece sa smetnjama u razvojusr
dc.subjectobrazovanje defektologasr
dc.subjectreforma visokog obrazovanjasr
dc.subjecteducation of children with developmental difficultiessr
dc.subjectspecial educationsr
dc.subjecteducation of defectologistssr
dc.subjecthigh education reformsr
dc.titleSavremene tendencije u obrazovanju defektologasr
dc.titleModern trends in education of defectologistssr



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