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Knowledge of the body awareness in adolescents with mild intellectual disability

dc.contributorLazović, Tamara
dc.contributorBasić, Aleksandra
dc.contributorMaćešić Petrović, Dragana
dc.contributorArsić, Bojana
dc.contributorGajić, Anja
dc.creatorLazović, Tamara
dc.creatorBasić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorMaćešić Petrović, Dragana
dc.creatorArsić, Bojana
dc.creatorGajić, Anja
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da utvrdi razlike u poznavanju telesne sheme između adolescenata sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću u odnosu na mesto stanovanja (gradska i prigradska sredina) i u odnosu na polnu pripadnost ispitanika. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 40 adolescenata sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću koji se nalaze na jednogodišnjem osposobljavanju za rad u Srednjoj zanatskoj školi u Beogradu. U istraživanju je korišćena Skala za procenu poznavanja delova tela. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da nema stati- stički značajne razlike između ispitanika u zavisnosti od mesta stanovanja i polne pripadnosti. Ovo istraživanje bazirano je isključivo na ispitivanju prvog sloja doživljaja telesne celovitosti, odnosno poznavanja sopstvenog tela. Kako bi se dobila potpunija slika o prisustvu sheme tela kod adolesce- nata sa LIO i da li utiče na kasnije radne sposobnosti neophodno je procenu upotpuniti i drugim instrumentima za ispitivanje doživljaja telesne celo- vitosti i radne efikasnosti.sr
dc.description.abstractThe research was conducted with the aim of determining the differences in the knowledge of the body shema between adolescents with mild intellectual disability (MID) in relation to the place of residence (urban and suburban areas) and to the gender of the respondents. The sample included 40 adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities who are undergoing a one-year work training at the Secondary Vocational School in Belgrade. The scale for assessing knowledge of body parts was used in the research. The research results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between respondents depending on the place of residence and gender. This research is based exclusively on the examination of the first layer of the experience of bod integrity, that is knowledge of one’s own body. In order to get complete picture of the presence of a body schema in adolescents with MID and whether it affects later work abilities, it is necessary to complete the assessment with other instruments for examining the experience of body integrity and work efficiency.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup " obrazovanje i rehabilitacija odraslih osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju i problemima u ponašanju ", Beograd, Srbija, 21. decembar 2022. godinesr
dc.subjectlaka intelektualna ometenostsr
dc.subjecttelesna shemasr
dc.subjectmesto stanovanjasr
dc.subjectmild intellectual disabilitysr
dc.subjectexperience of physical integritysr
dc.subjectplace of residencesr
dc.titlePoznavanje telesne sheme kod adolescenata sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošćusr
dc.titleKnowledge of the body awareness in adolescents with mild intellectual disabilitysr



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