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Attitudes of typically developing students toward inclusive education in the Republic of Srpska

dc.creatorBakoč, Andrijana B.
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractUvod: Stavovi učenika tipičnog razvoja, te njihova priprema za prihvatanje i saradnju sa vršnjacima s ometenošću, važan su faktor za realizaciju i uspjeh inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrde stavovi učenika tipičnog razvoja prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju i njihova povezanost sa stavovima prema osobama s ometenošću, učestalošću kontakta, klimom u odjeljenju, polom i razredom. Metode: Uzorak čini 331 učenik od trećeg do petog razreda redovne osnovne škole. Podjeljen je na dva poduzorka: ispitanike koji pohađaju inkluzivna i neinkluzivna odjeljenja. Za procjenu su korišteni: Skala za procjenu stavova vršnjaka prema osobama sa hendikepom, Čedok‒Mekmasterova skala za procjenu stavova prema osobama sa hendikepom, Skala za procjenu kontakta sa osobama s ometenošću i Inventar moga odjeljenja. Rezultati: Rezultati pokazuju da su stavovi učenika prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju vršnjaka s ometenošću pretežno negativni. Kao značajni prediktori ovih stavova izdvojili su se: učestalost kontakta, nesuglasice, kompetitivnost i razred koji učenici pohađaju. S druge strane, pohađanje odjeljenja zajedno sa vršnjacima s ometenošću, stavovi prema osobama s ometenošću, zadovoljstvo odjeljenjem i pol nisu bili značajni prediktori. Zaključak: Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu za ranom pripremom učenika tipičnog razvoja za zajedničko obrazovanje sa vršnjacima s ometenošću kroz kontakt i njegovanje saradničke klime u odjeljenju.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Attitudes of typically developing students, their preparation for acceptance, and cooperation with peers with disabilities are important factors for the realization and success of inclusive education. Objective. The aim of the research was to determine the attitudes of typically developing students toward inclusive education and their relation to the attitudes toward people with disabilities, frequency of contact, classroom climate, gender, and class. Methods. The sample included 331 students from 3rd to 5th grade of regular primary school. The sample was divided into two subsamples: participants attending inclusive and non-inclusive classes. The following scales were used for evaluation: Peer Attitude Toward the Handicapped Scale, Chedoke‒McMaster Attitudes Towards Children with Handicaps Scale, The Contact with Disabled Persons Scale, and My Class Inventory. Results. The results show that students’ attitudes toward inclusive education of peers with disabilities are mostly negative. The most important predictors of their attitudes were: frequency of contact, disagreements, competitiveness, and grade. On the other hand, attending classes with peers with disabilities, attitudes toward them, satisfaction with the class, and gender were not the predictors of importance. Conclusion. The results indicate the need for early preparation of students with typical development for joint education with peers with disabilities through contact and nurturing a collaborative climate in the classroom.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectučenici tipičnog razvojasr
dc.subjectinkluzivno obrazovanjesr
dc.subjecttypically developing studentssr
dc.subjectinclusive educationsr
dc.titleStavovi učenika tipičnog razvoja prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju u Republici Srpskojsr
dc.titleAttitudes of typically developing students toward inclusive education in the Republic of Srpskasr



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