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Razvijenost rečnika kod dece oštećenog sluha u kontekstu interpretacije slika u formatu stripa

dc.creatorSrzić, Maja
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.creatorŠešum, Mia
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Pictures in the comic-strip form are often used in practice as a means of examining the development of speech and language of children with hearing impairment. Objectives. The aim of the research was to establish the development of the lexicon and the level of content comprehension of pictures in the comic-strip format in written expression of students with hearing impairment 11–15 years of age (and to establish whether the age affected students’ success and compare their results with their typical peers). Methods. A story in the comic-strip form, designed for the needs of this study, was used in the research. It comprised four pictures interconnected through the sequence of events. Each picture was allocated a number of expected answers. Results. The obtained results point to the difficulties in understanding the content of pictures in the comic-strip format in written expression of children with hearing impairment and their underdevelopment compared to their typical peers. It was observed that age had a partial effect on the development of vocabulary (no statistically significant differences) (t = -0.87, df = 122.9, p = .39). However, the trend of achievement with age was observed. Conclusion. We found that children with hearing impairment failed to understand the story, observe important elements, and comprehend the essence. The abstract side of the pictures in the series, which gives sense, was neglected, and thus, the conclusion was not made, nor was the message grasped.sr
dc.description.abstractUvod: Slike u formatu stripa se u praksi često koriste kao sredstvo za ispitivanje razvijenosti govora i jezika dece oštećenog sluha. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi razvijenost rečnika i nivo razumevanja sadržaja slika u formatu stripa, u pisanom izrazu, kod učenika oštećenog sluha uzrasta od 11 do 15 godina (takođe da se utvrdi da li postoji uticaj uzrasta na uspešnost učenika i da se njihovi rezultati uporede sa rezultatima tipičnih vršnjaka). Metode: U istraživanju je korišćena priča u formi stripa dizajnirana za potrebe istraživanja. Ona se sastojala od četiri slike međusobno povezane sledom događaja. Za svaku sliku određen je broj očekivanih odgovora koje je trebalo navesti. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na teškoće u razumevanju sadržaja slika u formatu stripa, u pisanom izražavanju kod učenika oštećenog sluha, ali i zaostajanje u odnosu na tipične vršnjake. Uočeno je da uzrast ima delimičan uticaj na razvijenost rečnika (nema statistički značajnih razlika) (t = -0.87, df = 122.9, p = .39), ali se uprkos tome uočava trend porasta postignuća sa uzrastom. Zaključak. Uočeno je da učenici oštećenog sluha nisu razumeli priču, nisu uočili važne elemente, niti su shvatili suštinu. Apstraktna strana slika u nizu, koja daje smisao, je zanemarena, pa samim nije izveden zaključak, niti uočena poruka.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectseries of picturessr
dc.subjectexpected answerssr
dc.subjectstudents with hearing impairmentsr
dc.subjecttypical peerssr
dc.subjectslike u nizusr
dc.subjectočekivani odgovorisr
dc.subjectučenici oštećenog sluhasr
dc.subjectvršnjaci tipičnog razvojasr
dc.titleThe development of lexicon in children with hearing impairment in the context of interpreting pictures in comic-strip formsr
dc.titleRazvijenost rečnika kod dece oštećenog sluha u kontekstu interpretacije slika u formatu stripasr



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