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Students self-perception of reasons why they are studying Fasper in the time of educational and social changes in Serbia

dc.contributorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorArsenović Pavlović, Marina
dc.creatorAntić, Slobodanka
dc.creatorTodorović, Anđela
dc.description.abstractPitanje razvoja profesionalne uloge i identiteta studenata FASPER-a je posebno važno u vremenima uvođenja inkluzivnog obrazovanja u praksu naše škole. Cilj ovog rada je da utvrdi razloge za studiranje na FASPER-u kako ih navode sami studenti, kao i njihovu procenu kvaliteta informisanosti o us/ovima u kojima će se realizovati njihov profesionalni život. Nalaze smo uporedili sa onim dobijenim u ispitivanju studenata Defektološkog fakulteta pre tri decenije. U radu je primenjen strukturirani upitnik. Ispitano je 152 ispitanika, a uzorak je reprezentativan u odnosu na pol, godinu i smer studija na FASPER-u. Rezultati pokazuju da visok procenat studenata (73%) navodi pozitivno vrednovanje budućeg poziva kao razlog za studiranje FASPER-a: humanost, dinamičnost, zanimljivost, kreativnost, perspektivnost, rad sa decom i ljudima i pomoć hendikepiranima. Drugi rang zauzimaju odgovori u kojima se navodi zanimljivost nastavnih sadržaja (17%). Na trećem mestuje slučajan izbor bez jasnih razloga (4%). Među socijalnim uticajima koji su mode/ovali ovaj pozitivni odnos, 25% studenata navodi da je u najbližoj porodici neko defektolog i/ili prosvetni radnik. Podršku roditelja za izbor ovih studija da/o je 62%, 14% je ravnodušno, 7% je promenilo mišljenje ka pozitivnijem, a 3% se još uvek protivi. Kvalitet informisanosti o budućem pozivu, studenti većinom procenjuju kao neodgovarajući (60%) jer nimalo ili nedovoljno poznaju uslove rada, mogućnosti napredovanja i zapošljavanja, vrste i težinu poslova. Procenjujući težinu studija, 68% studenata smatra da ona odgovara njihovim sposobnostima. Važan nalaz je da je 63% studenata promenilo mišljenje o specijalnoj edukciji posle studentske prakse, mada je približno jednak procenat promenio mišljenje u pozitivnom (48%) i negativnom pravcu (52%). Nalazi ukazuju da se studenti danas, u odnosu na studente pre trideset godina, na ranijem uzrastu odlučuju za ove studije, imaju veću podršku socijalnog okruženja i značajno više njih bira fakultet zbog budućeg poziva, a ne kao kompromis u odnosu na druge životne i studijske zahteve i želje.sr
dc.description.abstractIn the times of introducing inc/usive education practices in our schools, the development of professional roles and identities of FASPER students is an especially important issue. This study analyzes students' perception of the reasons far studying FASPER and their assessment of the quality of information they have on conditions in which they are going to realize their professional lije. Our findings were compared with those obtained in a similar research three decades ago. The study inc/uded 152 subjects, and the sample was representative with respect to gender, year and course of study at FASPER. The obtained results show that a high percentage of students (73%) reported positive aspects of future calls as reasons far studying FASPER: humanity, dynamism, curiosity, creativity, perspective, working with children and handicapped people and help. The second group of answers are those al/eging interesting educational content (17%). In third place are the answers stating no c/ear reasons (4%). No doubt that the family is surely an important source of influence that mode/s this positive attitude,for a/most 25% of students c/aim that they have a c/ose family member who is a special educator and/or a teacher. 62% of the students claim the support of parents in the selection of FASPER studies, 14% claim that parents were indifferent, 7% that their parents changed opinion to a more positive one, and 3% of FASPER students have parents who are stil/ opposed. Most students evaluated the quality of information on future cal/s as inadequate (60%), because they have no, orinsufficient, knowledge ofworking conditions, promotion opportunities, employmentcondition, etc. Students mostly assess that FASPER studies suit theirabilities (68%). A very important finding is that 63% of students changed their opinion on special education after students' practice, although, to our surprise, it is approximately an equal percentage of students who changed their opinion in a positive (48%) and negative direction (52%). The findings indicate that students today, compared to those thirty years ago, decide to study FASPER at an earlier age, have more social support far that decision and significantly more of them ch ose the faculty far the sake of their future cal/s and nat, as in previous generations, as a compromise in relation to other personal and academic preferences. Key words: professional development, professional motives, values ofsr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova – 6. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 14–16.09.2012sr
dc.subjectprofesionalni razvojsr
dc.subjectmotivi za izbor pozivasr
dc.subjectstudije specijalne edukacije i rehabilitacijesr
dc.subjectsamoprocene studenatasr
dc.subjectprofessional developmentsr
dc.subjectprofessional motivessr
dc.subjectvalues of the calsr
dc.subjectstudy far special education and rehabilitationsr
dc.subjectuniversity level studentssr
dc.titleSamopercepcija studenata o razlozima za studiranje na Fasper-u u izmenjenim obrazovnim i društvenim okolnostima u Srbijisr
dc.titleStudents self-perception of reasons why they are studying Fasper in the time of educational and social changes in Serbiasr



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