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Social attitudes toward persons suffering from addiction diseases

dc.contributorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorMilačić Vidojević, Ivona
dc.creatorGligorović, Milica
dc.creatorDragojević, Nada
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je da se utvrde stavovi uzorka opšte populacije prema osobama sa bolestima zavisnosti - alkoholizmom i narkomanijom. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 336 ispitanika, oba pola, starosti iznad 16 godina. Za procenu stavova je korišćen upitnik Stavovi prema osobama sa mentalnim bolestima. Analizom rezultata nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike stavova prema bolestima zavisnosti među ispitanicima različitog pola. Starost se pokazala kao značajan činilac samo na konstruktu koji se odnosi na mogućnost oporavka osoba sa alkoholizmom (p=0,040). Srednje vrednosti rezultata najmlađe i dve starije grupe ispitanika pokazuju tendenciju ka stavu da osobe sa alkoholizmom nikada ne mogu da se u potpunosti oporave. Utvrđene su statistički visoko značajne korelacije svih konstrukata kojima se izražavaju stavovi prema osobama sa alkoholizmom i narkomanijom (p<0,000). Međutim, analizom odnosa aritmetičkih sredina, ustanovljeno je postojanje statistički značajnih razlika u stavovima prema osobama sa alkoholizmom i narkomanijom na većini konstrukata. Ispitanici vrednuju osobe sa narkomanijom kao manje opasne po druge (p=0,025), ali smatraju i da se one osećaju znatno drugačije od drugih ljudi (p<0,000), kao i da manje mogu da utiču na svoje stanje (p<0,000) od osoba sa alkoholizmom. Mogućnost poboljšanja sa tretmanom i potpunog oporavka ispitanici smatraju manje verovatnom (p<0,000) kod osoba sa narkomanijom nego kod osoba sa alkoholizmom. Nisu ustanovljene značajne razlike vrednovanja konstrukata koji se odnose na predvidivost, mogućnost komunikacije i odgovornost za stanje u kome se nalaze osoba sa alkoholizmom i narkomanijom.sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to discover the attitudes of general population toward persons suffering from drug addiction and a/coholism. The sample inc/uded 336 participants (55.7% females and 44.3% ma les), aged over 16. The participants were divided into five age categories. Attitude assessment was obtained by using The Attitudes toward Persons Suffering from different Mental Diseases Questionnaire (Crisp et al. 2000, 2005) which comprises eight constructs related to the perception of condition, the interpersonal relations, and the possibility to cure the persons suffering from these diseases. Significance oj relations oj the variables under observation was checked by ANOVA, the Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, and the T-Test. The resu/ts did nat show statistically significant differences in attitudes toward persons suffering from addiction diseases regarding the gender oj the participants. The age proved to be an important factor only in the construct concerned with the possibility oj recovering oj persons suffering from a/coholism (p=.04). Mean values far the youngest (16-19) and two e/derly groups of respondents (over 45) are indicative of the participants attitude to doubt the possibility of complete recovery of persons suffering from a/coholism. Statistically significant inter-correlations are found far ali constructs displaying attitudes towards people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction (p<.000). Comparison oj means revealed statistical/y significant differences between attitudes toward persons suffering from a/coholism and those toward persons suffering from drug addiction far most of the constructs. The participants evaluated drug addicts as more dangerous far other people (p=.025), as fee/ing much differently than the others (p<.000), as having /ess developed ability to influence their condition (p<.000) in comparison to alcohol addicts. Possibility oj treatment and jul/ recovery, according to the participants, is less probable far persons suffering from drug addiction than far those suffering from alcoholism {p<.000). No significant differences were found in evaluating the constructs related to predictability, ability to communicate, and the responsibility far the condition the drug addicts and a/coholics were in. In general, the results indicate there is a tendency among general population to consider drug addiction to be a disease more serious and more difficult to cure than alcoholism.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova – 6. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 14–16.09.2012sr
dc.subjectbolesti zavisnostisr
dc.subjectopšta populacijasr
dc.subjectaddiction diseasessr
dc.subjectdrug addictionsr
dc.subjectgeneral populationsr
dc.titleStavovi opšte populacije prema osobama sa bolestima zavisnostisr
dc.titleSocial attitudes toward persons suffering from addiction diseasessr



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