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Cochlear implantation of deaf children - parents Expectations

dc.contributorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorOstojić, Sanja
dc.creatorĐoković, Sanja
dc.creatorMikić, Mina
dc.description.abstractU Srbiji se program kohlearne implantacije gluvih osoba sprovodi deset godina. Do sada je implantirano oko 250 osoba, od toga 90% su deca. Mišljenje o podobnosti kandidata daje multidisciplinarni tim, a konačnu odluku donose roditelji. Preko 90% roditelja gluve dece ima normalan sluh. Primarni cilj im je da njihova deca ovladaju govorom i obuče se za školovanje u redovnim uslovima obrazovanja. Kohlearni implant (KI] je poslednja generacija elektronskog pomagala koje omogućava kvalitetno slušanje tj. realnu osnovu za razvoj verbalne komunikacije. Cilj rada je ispitivanje stavova roditelja kohlearna implantirane dece o funkcionisanju dece posle KI (komunikacija, edukacija, samostalnost, socijalni odnosi, dobrobit i sreća] i procesu KI (donošenje odluke, proces, efekti]. Podaci su dobijeni Upitnikom o stavovima roditelja kohlearna implantirane dece (Parent Outcome Questionnaire From Pediatric Cochlear Implantation, Archbold et al., 2002). Podaci su obrađeni metodama demografske statistike, prikazani tabelarna i grefički. Uzorak je činilo 30 ispitanika, roditelja KI dece, na uzrastu 3 do 10 godina, sa najmanje godinu dana slušnog iskustva. Istraživanje je obavljena na Institutu za ORL i MFH KC Srbije u Beogradu, tokom 2011. i 2012. godine. Stavovi roditelja u oblasti funkcionisanja deteta pokazuju visoke skorove (opšte funkcionisanje 4,13; socijalni odnosi 4,34; samostalnost 4,14; komunikacija 4,13). U oblasti procesa KI visoki skorovi označavaju nezadovoljstvo i nesigurnost roditelja u ovim
dc.description.abstractCoch/ear implantation (CI) has existed in Serbia for the /ast ten years. There are c. 250 people with implantations and about 90% of them are ch i/dren. The fina/ decisison is made by parents after multidisciplinary team assesement. During the se/ection of candidates for pediatric coch/ear implantation we have frequently met the parents with insufficient infarmation on cachlear implant potential ar technical features. The aim of study isto examine pa renta/ expectations of outcomes after pediatric coch/ear implantation regarding to decision, prospectives, procedure, support, socialization etc. Examination was dane using The Parent Outcome Questionnaire From Pediatric Coch/ear lmplantation (Archbold eta/., 2002). The data were obtained from the parents of 30 CI ch i/dren, aged 3to10. There are two aspects for analyzing data: children functioning after CI and process of CI. According to the data obtained from this study following statements depict their positive attitude about coch/ear implantation: they have a positive attitude about child functioning (general functioning 4.13; sa ci a/ relationship 4.34; self reliance 4.14; cammunicatian 4.13). The children hear better after CI; CI enables communication at a distance, better communication, impraved motivation far communication with hearing people, improved independence and safety and better aspects of future education. The negative parents' attitude was related to: fears and concerns about surgery and postoperative course, cost of coch/ear implant and maintenance, concerns about children's hea/th
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//"sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova – 6. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 14–16.09.2012sr
dc.subjectkohlearna implantacijasr
dc.subjectdeaf ch i/drensr
dc.subjectcoch/ear implantationsr
dc.titleStavovi roditelja gluve dece o kohlearnoj implantacijisr
dc.titleCochlear implantation of deaf children - parents Expectationssr

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