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Syntagmatic types in communicative register switching in fourth-grade students

dc.contributorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorIvanović, Maja
dc.creatorKašić, Zorka
dc.description.abstractU radu SU opisane i b/ize odreaene komunikativne sposobnosti ucenika cetvrtog razreda osnovne skole u pisanoj produkciji razliCite ianrovske orijentacije. Uspesno ovladavanje odgovarajuCim ianrovskim i podianrovskim karakteristikama je neophodno i podrazumeva se u procesu usvajanja funkcionalne jezicke i komunikativne pismenosti. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je da se ispitaju razliCiti sintagmatski tipovi i podtipovi i odrede komunikativne sposobnosti desetogodifojaka u promeni registra. Korpus za analizu se sastojao od 42 narativna, 42 ekspozitorna i 42 argumentativna teksta (ukupno 126 pisanih radova) koje SU produkovala 42 ucenika jedne beogradske osnovne skole. Sintaksickom analizom su izdvojeni tipovi sintagmi kod svakog ispitanika u sva tri ianra, a izvrsena je i njihova potklasifikacija na osnovu strukturnih ifunkcionalnih karakteristika. Dobijeni podaci su statisticki obradeni. Tematska i ianrovska raznovrsnost je obezbedila pojavu veeeg broja razliCitih tipova i podtipova zavisnih sintagmi sto je omogucilo odredeno diferenciranje ianrova na osnovu ovih sintaksickih parametara. Zabeleiena je pojava svih dvoC/anih i viseC/anih tipova sintagmi. Dobijeni rezultati upueuju na to da se ianrovi razlikuju na osnovu prisustva razliCitih tipova sintagmi, a/i i na to da ova karakteristika nije dovoljno pouzdana za njihovu medusobnu diferencijaciju. Kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza tipova sintagmi ipak pruia precizniji uvid u razvoj sposobnosti desetogodifojaka u promeni komunikativnog registra. Uvid u razvoj pomenute sposobnosti kod tipicnih desetogodifojaka moie se iskoristiti u radu sa decom koja imajujezicke teskoce i teskoce u opismenjavanju.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to show that acquiring literacy is part of what is called linguistic acquisition beyond preschool years. We closely examined specific communicative competence in fourth grade students in written production of three different genres: narrative, expository and argumentative texts. One significant aspect of register switching is the ability to recruit different morphosyntactic structures and different types of syntactic phrases. To be linguistically literate means to possess a linguistic repertoire that encompasses a wide range of registers and genres. The aim of this paper is to examine different types and subtypes of syntactic phrases in written production in fourth-graders, as well as their communicative ability with register switching. The corpus was made of 42 narrative, 42 expository, and 42 argumentative texts produced by 42 fourth grade students of one Belgrade elementary school (126 texts in total). Each student wrote three different discourse genres during three weeks, one text per week, within 40 minutes each. All students were given the same instructions. Syntactic phrasal types for each student and discourse genre were marked off by syntactic analyses, and their classification and sub-classification were made, based on their structural and functional features. All types of nominal, adjective, adverbial and verbal phrases with two or more constituents were registered as well as some specific types of nominal and adverbial phrases. The results show that the production of different phrasal types in every discourse genre is not the only feature that changes during register switching and that it cannot be a reliable characteristic in differentiating discourse genres. Nevertheless, these results can be useful in working with children with learning disabilities and with specific language impairment.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178002/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179068/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova – 6. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 14–16.09.2012sr
dc.subjectkomunikativna kompetencijasr
dc.subjectcommunicative competencesr
dc.subjectsyntactic phrasesr
dc.subjectfourth graderssr
dc.titleTipovi sintagmi u promeni komunikativnog registra kod učenika četvrtog razredasr
dc.titleSyntagmatic types in communicative register switching in fourth-grade studentssr



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