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Creating and applying social stories in working with young people with high-functioning autism from the perspective of students

dc.creatorĐorđević, Mirjana
dc.creatorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.description.abstractApstrakt: Visokofunkcionalni autizam pripada grupi poremećaja iz spektra autizma i ne predstavlja zasebnu nozološku kategoriju u zvaničnim dijagnostičkim pri- ručnicima, mada se vrlo često koristi u stručnom žargonu i istraživačkim člancima. Socijalne priče predstavljaju jednu od mnogih intervencija koje se preporučuju u radu sa osobama sa autizmom. Priče se izrađuju kombinovanjem različitih tipova rečenica. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi u kojoj meri socijalne priče koje su studenti primenjivali u radu sa mladim osobama sa visokofunkcionalnim autizmom zadovoljava- ju postavljene kriterijume, kao i ispitati njihovu socijalnu validnost. U ovo istraži- vanje bile su uključene dve grupe učesnika – šest ispitanika sa visokofunkcionalnim autizmom i 46 studenata završne godine osnovnih studija. Analizom je utvrđeno da sve priče zadovoljavaju kriterijume koji se odnose na sledeća dva pitanja: Da li priča daje odgovore na pitanja šta, kada, kako, zašto? Da li sadrži ilustracije koje odgovaraju značenju teksta? U većini priča bile su zastupljene pozitivne jezičke formulacije i obraćanje u prvom ili trećem licu jednine. Na osnovu prikazanih rezultata primećujemo da su studentska iskustva sa ovom intervencijom u najvećoj meri pozitivna. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da priče u najvećoj meri zadovoljavaju pre- poručene kriterijume i da je njihova struktura u skladu sa onima koje su prikazane u inostranim istraživanjima. Takođe, šalju i ohrabrujuću poruku profesionalcima da se oprobaju u izradi i primeni socijalnih priča. Narednim istraživanjima bi trebalo planirati detaljniju procenu targetiranih ponašanja, merenje efekata, njihove trajno- sti, kao i mogućnosti generalizacije stečenih veština. Ključne reči: autizam, studenti, socijalne prič
dc.description.abstractSummary: High-functioning autism belongs to the group of disorders from the autism spectrum and does not represent a separate nosological category in official diagnostic manuals, although it is very often used informally in research articles. Social stories are one of the many interventions that are recommended in working with people with autism, which contribute to the improvement of their social skills. Stories are created by combining different types of sentences. The aim of this research is to determine the extent to which social stories that students have applied in their work with young people with high-functioning autism meet the set criteria, as well as to examine their social validity. The research included two groups of participants – six subjects with high-functioning autism and 46 final-year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, study program Special Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Mental Disabilities. The analysis has shown that all stories met the criteria related to the following two questions: Does the story provide answers to the questions what, when, how, and why? Does it contain illustrations that correspond to the meaning of the text? In most stories, positive language formulations and first- or third-person singular addresses were used. Based on the results, it can be concluded that students’ experiences with this type of intervention are mostly positive. The results of this research show that the stories mostly meet the recommended criteria and that their structure is in line with those presented in foreign research. Additionally, the research results send an encouraging message to professionals to try their hand at creating and applying social stories. Future research should plan a more detailed assessment of targeted behaviors, measuring effects, their duration, as well as the possibility of generalizing acquired
dc.publisherFakultet pedagoških nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Jagodinasr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//sr
dc.subjectsocijalne pričesr
dc.subjectsocial storiessr
dc.titleIzrada i primena socijalnih priča u radu s mladim osobama s visokofunkcionalnim autizmom iz perspektive studenatasr
dc.titleCreating and applying social stories in working with young people with high-functioning autism from the perspective of studentssr



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