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Socially desirable responses and attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities in education and rehabilitation students

dc.creatorNikolić, Milena
dc.creatorŠeatović, Stevan
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractUvod: Istraživanja sugeriraju da postoji veza između socijalno poželjnih odgovora i stavova prema osobama s ometenošću. Ciljevi: Osnovni cilj istraživanja je ispitati povezanost između ispoljene sklonosti studenata edukacije i rehabilitacije da daju socijalno poželjne odgovore, ispoljene nelagodnosti i straha u interakcijama i učestalosti kontakta sa osobama s intelektualnom ometenošću. Posebni ciljevi istraživanja su ispitati da li postoje razlike u ispoljavanju socijalno poželjnih odgovora, nelagodnosti i straha i učestalosti kontakta u odnosu na godinu studija i studijski program, ispitati povezanost nelagodnosti i straha i učestalosti kontakta uz kontrolisanje socijalno poželjnih odgovora, te utvrditi koje varijable utiču na ispoljavanje nelagodnosti i straha. Metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 100 studenata edukacije i rehabilitacije. Prvu i drugu godinu pohađa 71.0% studenata, dok treću i četvrtu godinu pohađa 29.0%. Specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju pohađa 58.0% studenata, Logopediju i audiologiju 27.0% i Poremećaje u ponašanju 15.0%. Rezultati: Postoji slaba negativna povezanost nelagodnosti i straha sa sklonošću ka socijalno poželjnim odgovorima, učestalošću kontakta i godinom studija. Korelacija između nelagodnosti i straha i učestalosti kontakta statistički je značajna i onda kada se kontroliše socijalno poželjno odgovaranje. Razlike ne postoje u odnosu na studijski program. U odnosu na godinu studija razlike postoje u ispoljavanju nelagodnosti i straha, gde studenti prve i druge godine postižu najviši skor. Najveći uticaj na ispoljeni nivo nelagodnosti i straha imaju sklonost ka davanju socijalno poželjnih odgovora i godina studija. Zaključak: U budućim istraživanjima stavova prema osobama sa ometenošću treba uzeti u obzir sklonost ka socijalno poželjenim odgovorima i nastojati ga kontrolisati.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Research suggests a link between socially desirable responses (SDR) and attitudes towards people with disabilities. Objectives. The main aim was to examine the relationship between the expressed tendency of education and rehabilitation students to give socially desirable responses, the expressed discomfort and fear in interactions, and the frequency of contact with people with intellectual disabilities. The specific objectives of the research were: to examine whether there was a difference in the manifestation of socially desirable responses, discomfort and fear, and the frequency of contact with regard to the year of study and the study program; to examine the relationship between discomfort and fear and the frequency of contact while controlling socially desirable responses; to determine which variables affected the expression of discomfort and fear. Methods. The survey was conducted on a convenient sample of 100 students of education and rehabilitation. Seventy-one percent of students attended the first and second year, while 29.0% attended the third and fourth year. Fifty-eight percent of students attended Special Education and Rehabilitation, 27.0% attended Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology, and 15% attended Behavioral Disorders. The Scale for Social Desirability, the Interaction with Disabled Persons Scale, and the Contact with Disabled Persons Scale were applied. Results. The results showed a weak negative correlation between discomfort and fear and the propensity to SDR, frequency of contact, and the year of study. The correlations between discomfort and fear and the frequency of contact were statistically significant even when socially desirable responses were controlled. There were no differences with regard to the study program. The difference regarding the year of study existed in the manifestation of discomfort and fear, where first and second-year students achieved the highest score. The tendency to give socially desirable responses and the year of study had the greatest impact on the expressed level of discomfort and fear. Conclusion. Future research on attitudes towards people with disabilities should consider the tendency towards socially desirable responses and try to control it.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectnelagodnost i strahsr
dc.subjectučestalost kontaktasr
dc.subjectsocijalno poželjno odgovaranjesr
dc.subjectstudenti edukacije i rehabilitacijesr
dc.subjectdiscomfort and fearsr
dc.subjectfrequency of contactsr
dc.subjectsocially desirable responsessr
dc.subjectstudents of education and rehabilitationsr
dc.titleSocijalno poželjno odgovaranje i stavovi prema osobama s intelektualnom ometenošću kod studenata edukacije i rehabilitacijesr
dc.titleSocially desirable responses and attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities in education and rehabilitation studentssr



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