Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Assertive communication of special educators who teach in schools for children with disabilities

dc.contributorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.contributorKovačević, Tamara
dc.creatorJovanović, Vesna
dc.creatorKarić, Jasmina
dc.creatorRadovanović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractAsertivnost je komunikacioni stil koji podrazumeva zauzimanje za lična prava, kroz izražavanje sopstvenih misli, osećanja i uverenja na direktan, iskren i pošten način uz poštovanje prava drugih ljudi. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 225 defektologa sa teritorije Republike Srbije, koji realizuju nastavu deci sa smetnjama u razvoju. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita nivo asertivnosti defek- tologa kao i povezanost ovog komunikacijskog stila sa sociodemograf- skim karakteristikama i vrstom problematike učenika kojima rea- lizuju nastavu. Od instrumenata istraživanja korišćen je Upitnik za merenje ni- voa asertivnosti (Rathus, 1973) i Lista za prikupljanje sociodemograf- skih podataka. Rezultati naše studije ukazuju da 168 ispitanika pripada grupi od prosečno do izrazito asertivnih. Prosečna vrednost skora asertivno- sti bila je najveća kod defektologa koji rade sa maloletnim delikven- tima a najmanja kod defektologa koji realizuju nastavu gluvoj i na- gluvoj deci (F=6,526; p < 0,01). U odnosu na stambenu situaciju, najmanje prosečne vrednosti skora asertivnosti zabeležene su kod defektologa koji žive kod roditelja (F=2,998; p<0,05). Imajući u vidu da se asertivnost kao interpersonalni komunika- cioni stil stiče tokom života, uči, usavršava i menja, dobijeni re- zultati mogli bi pomoći u boljem sagledavanju veze između specifično- sti radnog okruženja i asertivnosti zaposlenihsr
dc.description.abstractAssertiveness is a communication style that implies standing up for personal rights, through the expression of one’s own thoughts, feelings and beliefs in a direct, sincere and honest way, while respecting the rights of other people. The study sample involved 225 special educators from the territory of the Republic of Serbia, who are teaching the children with disabilities. The aim of the study was to examine the level of assertiveness of the special educators as well as the connection of this communication style with the socio-demographic characteristics and the type of problems of the children with disabilities who are being taught. Research instruments: According to the subject of the research a questionnaire measuring assertiveness (Rathus, 1973) and the list for collecting socio-demographic data were used in the study. The results of our study show that 168 examinees belong to the group from average to highly assertive. The average value of the assertiveness score was the highest among special educators working with juvenile delinquents, and the lowest among special educators who are teaching deaf and hard of hearing children (F=6.526; p<0.01). In relation to the housing situation, the lowest average values of the assertiveness score were recorded in special educators living with parents (F=2.998; p< 0.05). Bearing in mind that assertiveness as an interpersonal communication style acquires during life, learns, improves and changes, the obtained results could help better understanding the connection between the specifics of the work environment and the assertiveness of the
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceTematski zbornik radova - „Specifičnost oštećenja sluha – koraci i iskoraci,” Beograd,
dc.subjectdeca sa smetnjama u razvojusr
dc.subjectspecial educatorssr
dc.subjectchildren with disabilitiessr
dc.titleAsertivna komunikacija defektologa koji realizuju nastavu u školama za decu sa smetnjama u razvojusr
dc.titleAssertive communication of special educators who teach in schools for children with disabilitiessr



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