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Impact modern program training on motoric abilities at down syndrome

dc.contributorMatejić-Đuričić, Zorica
dc.creatorKasum, Goran
dc.creatorEminović, Fadilj
dc.creatorNikić, Radmila
dc.description.abstractObeležja i karakteristike svakog čoveka, osim od genetskih faktora, u velikoj meri zavise i od različitih kulturnih, obrazovnih, socijalnih uticaja sredine. Sveukupnost ovih faktora predstavlja potencijal koji se vremenom realizuje u skladu sa rastom, zdravstvenim stanjem, količinom i kvalitetom podsticaja u porodičnom okruženju. I osobe sa Daunovim sindromom imaju svoj potencijal, mada je on ograničen i nešto umanjen u odnosu na opštu populaciju. Sportske aktivnosti imaju veliki značaj za sve ljude, a za osobe sa Daunovim sindromom predstavljaju jedan od od posebno značajnih podsticaja za razvoj i iskazivanje svojih maksimalnih mogućnosti. Cilj ovog rada je da se široj javnosti predstavi i približi jedan relativno novi program trenažnih aktivnosti u ragbi sportu, primenjenih specijalizovano u populaciji osoba sa Daunovim sindromom, kao i da se ustanovi kakav je efekat ovako dizajniranog programa na neke od fizičkih sposobnosti osoba sa Daunovim sindromom. Program obuhvata realizaciju obuke elemenata tehnike ragbi sporta, kao i kontinuirani rad na razvoju fizičkih sposobnosti osoba sa Daunovim sindromom značajnih za realizaciju trenažnih i takmičarskih sadržaja u ragbiju. Uzorak ovog istraživanja čini 6 osoba sa Daunovim sindromom, uzrasta od 19 do 29 godina, koje su se uključile u program treninga ragbi sporta. Varijable koje su praćene u ovom istraživanju predstavljaju rezultati 7 motoričkih testova, koji su pokazatelji motoričkih sposobnosti posmatranih i praćenih u sklopu ovog projekta. Testovi rađeni na početku realizacije programa ponovljeni su i nakon 10 sedmica, u potpuno indentičnim uslovima, a bateriju testova sačinjavali su: maksimalan broj sklekova, trbušnjaka i čučneva za vreme od 10 sekundi (testovi za repetitivnu snagu), trčanje na 20 metara (test za brzinu), sprint sa promenom smera (test za agilnost), dodavanje ragbi lopte u cilj udaljen 5 metara (test koordinacije i preciznosti), kao i posebno konstruisan poligon (test kordinacije i okretnosti). Pored ovoga urađena je i anketa pod nazivom «Istina i predrasude», koja je imala za cilj da ustanovi kakvi su stavovi osoba iz okruženja, i poznavanje problematike osoba sa Daunovogvim sindromom od strane osoba iz neposrednog okruženja. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su da preporučeni program treninga ragbija deluje veoma stimulativno na motoriku osoba sa Daunovim sindromom. Razlike između rezultata inicijalnog i finalnog merenja bile su statistički značajne, a statistički značajne razlike konstatovane su kod 5 od 7 posmatranih varijabli. Rezultati ankete, realizovane sa licima koja čine uže i šire okruženje ovih osoba, pokazali su da edukacija, ali i sam kontakt sa osobama koje imaju Daunov sindrom, veoma pozitivno utiču na informisanost i stvaranje opšteg pozitivnog stava o ovim osobama. Na taj način, vrlo uspešno, otklanjaju se određene predrasude koje vladaju o ovoj populaciji ljudi.sr
dc.description.abstractFeatures and characteristics of every man, except by genetic factors, to a large extent depend on and from different cultural, educational, social impact of the environment. The totality of these factors is the potential that is realized over time in accordance with the growth, health status, the amount and quality of incentives in the family environment. And people with Down syndrome have their potential, although it is limited and somewhat less in comparison to the general population. Activities have great significance for all people, and persons with Down syndrome represent one of the special importance of incentives for the development and demonstration of their maximum capabilities. The aim of this paper is to present the general public, and near a relatively new program of training activities in the sport, Rugby, applied in the specialized population of persons with Down syndrome, as well as to establish what is the effect of this program designed to some of the physical abilities of people with Down syndrome. The program includes elements of the implementation of the training techniques of sports football, as well as continued work on the development of physical abilities of people with the syndrome Down important for the implementation of training and competition content in Rugby. The sample of this research consists of 6 persons with Down syndrome, aged 19 to 29 years, involved in the program of sports training rugby. Variables that are tracked in this study represent the results of tests of motor 7, which are indicators of motor abilities observed and tracked in the this project. Tests done at the beginning of the implementation of the program and repeated after 10 weeks, in a identical conditions, a battery of tests composed of the maximum number of push up, sit and squat for time from 10 seconds (tests for repetitive force), running at 20 meters (test for speed), sprint to the change in direction (test for agility), add a rugby ball in the goal from 5 meters (a test of coordination and accuracy), as well as particular training (test coordination and agility). In addition to this survey and is performed under the name of “truth and prejudice”, which aimed to establish what are the attitudes of people from the environment, and knowledge of the problems of persons with Down syndrome by persons from the immediate environment. The results of the research confirmed that the recommended training program ragby act very stimulating to the mobility of persons with Down syndrome. Differences between the results of the initial and final measurements were statistically significant, and statistically significant differences were found in 5 of 7 observed variables. The results of the survey, carried out with persons who are immediate and wider environment of the people, showed that education, but I have contact with people who have Down syndrome, a very positive influence on the knowledge and the creation of a general positive attitude about these people. In this way, very successfully, to eliminate the rule that certain prejudices about this population of peoplesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009sr
dc.subjectDaunov sindromsr
dc.subjectsportske aktivnostisr
dc.subjectmotoričke sposobnostisr
dc.subjectistina i predrasudesr
dc.subjectDaunov syndromesr
dc.subjectmotor skillssr
dc.subjecttruth and prejudicesr
dc.titleUticaj savremenih programa vežbanja na motoričke sposobnosti kod down sindromasr
dc.titleImpact modern program training on motoric abilities at down syndromesr



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