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Challenges in supporting victims of human trafficking in Serbia

dc.contributorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorNikolić-Ristanović, Vesna
dc.creatorĆopić, Sanja
dc.description.abstractPružanje pomoći žrtvama trgovine ljudima skopčano je sa mnogim problemima i izazovima. Jedan od najznačajnijih je svakako vezan za prepoznavanje žrtava, oblike pomoći koji im stoje na raspolaganju, njihovu informisanost i korišćenje postojećih mogućnosti pomoći i zaštite. Kao posebno važno pitanje postavlja se pitanje (ne) kažnjavanja žrtava – ilegalnih migranata, pitanja u vezi identifikacije i pružanja pomoći deci – žrtvama, pitanje prava žrtve na pomoć koja odgovara njenim potrebama, pitanje informisanog pristanka žrtve na pojedine oblike pomoći, posebno na smeštanje u sigurnu kuću, zaštita žrtve u krivičnom postupku, neprepoznavanje muškaraca kao žrtava i sl. Rad ima za cilj da predstavi rezultate istraživanja koji se odnose na navedena ključna pitanja u vezi pružanja pomoći i podrške ženama i muškarcima, žrtvama trgovine ljudima u Srbiji. U radu će najpre biti opisan sistem pomoći i podrške žrtvama trgovine ljudima koji postoji u Srbiji. Zatim će biti izloženi rezultati dva istraživanja Viktimološkog društva Srbije. Prvo istraživanje je istraživanje trgovine muškarcima u Srbiji, koje je sprovedeno 2008. i 2009. godine na osnovu intervjua sa stručnjacima, žrtvama i izvršiocima. Drugo istraživanje odnosi se na pomoć i podršku ženama žrtvama trgovine ljudima, i sprovedeno je 2009. godine putem intervjua sa učesnicima u pružanju pomoći žrtvama. U oba istraživanja podaci su prikupljani i neposrednim posmatranjem suđenja. Na kraju rada biće iznete preporuke za poboljšanje sistema pomoći i podrške žrtvama trgovine ljudima oba pola u Srbiji.sr
dc.description.abstractSupporting victims of trafficking is linked to numerous problems and challenges. One of the most important is certainly related to the identification of victims, together with the forms of available support and the victims’ access and use of existing opportunities of support and assistance. Particularly important is the question of (non)punishment of victims, as well as the questions related to the following issues: identification and providing support to child victims, victim’s rights to assistance in accordance with her/his needs, informed consent of the victim to certain forms of support, particularly in terms of putting the victim in a shelter, victim’s protection in the criminal procedure and the non-recognition of males as victims etc. The paper aims at presenting results of the surveys, which relate to the abovementioned key questions in regard to providing assistance and support to female and male victims of trafficking in Serbia. The system of assistance and support that exists in Serbia is firstly described. This will be followed by presenting the results of two surveys conducted by the Victimology Society of Serbia. The first one is the survey of male trafficking in Serbia, which was carried out in 2008 and 2009 on the basis of the interviews with professionals, victims and perpetrators. The second one is the research on assistance and support to women victims of trafficking, which was carried out in 2009 on the basis of the interviews with those directly involved in providing support to victims. In both surveys the data were also collected through direct monitoring of the court trials. At the end of the paper recommendations for the improvement of the system of assistance of support to victims of trafficking of both sexes in Serbia are providedsr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo II / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010sr
dc.subjecttrgovina ženamasr
dc.subjecttrgovina muškarcimasr
dc.subjectpružanje pomoćisr
dc.subjecttrafficking in women and mensr
dc.subjectvictim supportsr
dc.titleIzazovi pružanja pomoći žrtvama trgovine ljudima u Srbijisr
dc.titleChallenges in supporting victims of human trafficking in Serbiasr



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