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Readness of regular school students to accept peers with developmental disability

dc.contributorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorTerzić, Ivana
dc.creatorJovanović-Simić, Nadica
dc.creatorDobrota-Davidović, Nada
dc.creatorŠoster, Darinka
dc.description.abstractPotreba da se bude deo zajednice i u njoj uspešno funkcioniše, jeste suštinska potreba koju čovek ostvaruje u socijalnoj komunikaciji. Pored ostalog, stepen i kvalitet socijalizacije u mnogome zavisi od obrazovnog statusa. Ipak, to nije slučaj sa osobama sa smetnjama u razvoju. Nije retka pojava da ove osobe nemaju uvek uslove da se školuju u skladu sa svojim potrebama i mogućnostima. Pored fizičkih barijera i neprilagođenih nastavnih planova i programa, stavovi osoba tipičnog razvoja često predstavljaju prepreku za uključivanje dece sa smetnjama u razvoju u sistem redovnog predškolskog i školskog obrazovanja. Najčešće, negativni stavovi školskog osoblja, nastavnika, vršnjaka i njihovih roditelja prema deci sa smetnjama u razvoju i dalje predstavljaju značajnu prepreku. Cilj ovog istraživanja jeste procena stavova učenika redovne osnovne škole prema deci sa smetnjama u razvoju. Uzorak je činilo 65 učenika petog i osmog razreda osnovne škole. Stavovi učenika, dobijeni upitnikom posebno konstruisanim za potrebe ovog istraživanja, kvantitativno i kvalitativno su analizirani, i komparirani u odnosu na uzrast i pol. Poznato je da vršnjačke grupe nekada mogu da budu veoma surove prema, na bilo koji način drugačijem detetu. S obzirom da jedan od faktora koji bitno utiče na socijalni (i emocionalni) razvoj deteta jesu vršnjački odnosi u školi i van nje, ovim istraživanjem smo želeli da dobijemo odgovor na pitanje kako učenici tipičnog razvoja prihvataju decu sa smetnjama u razvoju.sr
dc.description.abstractThe need to be a part of community and to function appropriately within it is the essential need which humans seek to realize by social communication. Level and quality of socialization depends very much on educational level. However, it is not uncommon that people with disability don’t always have the capacity to educate themselves according to their needs and possibilities. Next to physical barriers and inappropriate educational plans and programs, the attitudes of people without disabilities often pose an obstacle to involving children with developmental disabilities in pre-school and school educational systems. The negative attitudes of school staff, teachers, peers and parents towards children with developmental disabilities still represent a notable obstacle. The goal of this research is the attitude evaluation of regular school students towards children with developmental disabilities. The sample was made of 65 students of 5th and 8th grade from elementary school. Students attitudes, obtained by a questionnaire specially developed for the purposes of this research, were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed and compared according to age and sex criteria. It is well-established that sometimes same age groups can be very cruel towards children who are developmentally ‘different’. One of factors that has a major influence on social (and emotional) development of children is peer relationships in and out of school. In this research we sought to answer the question ‘how will the child with developmental disabilities be accepted among the normal developed classmates?’.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo I / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010sr
dc.subjectdeca sa smetnjama u razvojusr
dc.subjectstavovi učenika redovnih škola (vršnjački stavovi)sr
dc.subjectchildren with developmental disabilitiessr
dc.subjectattitudes of regular school students (coeval attitudes)sr
dc.titleSpremnost učenika redovnih škola za prihvatanje vršnjaka sa smetnjama u razvojusr
dc.titleReadness of regular school students to accept peers with developmental disabilitysr



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