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Spectrographic analysis of the fundamental voice in children with cochlear implants

dc.contributorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorĐoković, Sanja
dc.creatorOstojić, Sanja
dc.description.abstractPoremećaj osnovnog glasa (Fo) je jedan od stalnih pratilaca govora dece oštećenog sluha. Ovaj poremećaj predstavlja kvantitativnu i kvalitativnu distorzovanost osnovnog glasa, što se subjektivnom auditivniom analizom registruje kao distorzovanost visine, jačine i boje glasa. Većina dosadašnjih istraživanja govora dece sa kohlearnim implantom su pokazala da postoji značajno poboljšanje kvaliteta osnovnog glasa posle kohlearne implantacije, ali nema jasnih naznaka u kojim akustičko-artikulacionim parametrima se to odigrava. Cilj je bio spektrografska analiza osnovnog glasa kod dece sa kohlearnim implantom i utvrđivanje artikulaciono-akustički parametra gde se to poboljšanje dešava. Takođe urađena je komparativna analiza parametara osnovnog glasa dece sa kohlearnim implantom u odnosu na decu sa knvencionalnim slušnim aparatima. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 11 osoba sa kohlearnim implantom i to 3 odrasla i 8 dece koji su činili eksperimentalnu grupu. U uzorku je bilo 5 ispitinika ženskog i 6 muškog pola. U prvoj kontrolnoj grupi ukupno je bilo 10 ispitanika koji su nosili i bili rehabilitovani pomoću konvencionalnih slušnih aparata i to 4 odrasla i 6 dece. U drugoj kontrolnoj grupi su bili ispitanici koji imaju uredan sluh i to 2 odrasla i 2 deteta. Metoda je podrazumevala izgovaranje reči stimulusa od strane ispitivača a zadatak ispitanika je bio da čuju i ponove zadatu reč. Kao lista reči korišćen je Globalni artikulacioni test (S. Vladisavljevič). Svi ispitanici su bili snimani u tihoj komori, a zatim izgovor dece je bio obrađivan u Prat programu. Rezultati pokazuju da postoji značajna razlika u artikulaciono-akustičkom kvalitetu osnovnog glasa u korist dece sa kohlearnim
dc.description.abstractThe disorder of fundamental voice frequency (Fo) is a common characteristic in the speech of hearing impaired children. This disorder represents a qualitative and quantitative distortion of the fundamental voice, which can be registered by subjective auditory analysis as distortion of the pitch, intensity and voice timbre. Most of the current research studies of speech in children with cochlear implants have shown significant improvement of the quality of the fundamental voice following cochlear implantation, without clear indications of which acousticarticulatory parameters this occurs in. The main goal of the study was spectrographic analysis of the fundamental voice of children with cochlear implants as well as establishing articulatory-acoustic parameters in which the improvement can be registered. A comparative analysis of the parameters of the fundamental voice has been carried out on populations of children with the cochlear implant and those with conventional hearing aids. The sample consisted of 21 children including 11 with cochlear implants and 10 with hearing aid. The experimental group consisted of 7 males and 4 females, aged 5 to 24, while the control group consisted of 5 males and 5 females. All the subjects have been diagnosed with hearing impairment in the prelingual period. The methodology consisted of expression of the words pronounced by the experimenter. The subjects’ task consisted of repeating the words after hearing them. The Global Articulation Test was used as the list of words (S.Vladisavljeivc). The subjects were recorded in the silent room, while the recordings were analysed in the Praat program. Results show significant differences in articulation-acoustic quality of the fundamental voice with better results for children with cochlear
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo I / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010sr
dc.subjectkohlearni implantsr
dc.subjectosnovni glassr
dc.subjectspektrografska analizasr
dc.subjectcochlear implantsr
dc.subjectfundamental voicesr
dc.subjectspectrographic analysissr
dc.titleIspitivanje osnovnog glasa kod osoba sa kohlearnim implantomsr
dc.titleSpectrographic analysis of the fundamental voice in children with cochlear implantssr

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