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Nonverbal communication of visually impaired persons

dc.contributorMatejić-Đuričić, Zorica
dc.creatorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorEškirović, Branka
dc.description.abstractPrvi radovi na temu neverbalne komunikacije osoba sa oštećenjem posvećeni su proučavanju mogućnosti slepe dece da u komunikaciji koriste facijalnu i telesnu ekspresiju, kao i na efikasnost slabovide dece u prepoznavanju facijalnih i telesnih signala. Naglašavan je značaj neverbalne komunikacije za struktuiranje govornog konteksta, kao i hendikepirajući efekti oštećenja vida u ovom segmentu. Retki primeri isticanja značaja organizovanog učenja slepe dece u korišćenju neverbalnih signala uglavnom su smatrani nerealnim, a preporučene aktivnosti nekom vrstom kozmetike, čiji bi produkt bio porediv sa verbalizmima. Nasuprot tome u poslednje vreme tiflolozi se sve intenzivnije bave razradom posebnih programa za razvoj neverbalne komunikacije kod dece sa oštećenjem vida. S tim u vezi se ističe značaj neverbalne komunikacije za socijalizaciju, inkluziju i socijalnu integraciju.sr
dc.description.abstractFirst works on the subject nonverbal communication of visually impaired persons were dadicated to the studying of the opportunities of blind children tu use facial and body expressions in their communication, as well as to the efficacy of visually impaired children in recognizing facial and body signals. The importance of nonverbal communication was stressed regarding the structuring of speech context, as well as disabling effects of visual impairment in this segment. Rare examples of emphasizing of the importance of the organized learning of visually impaired children how to use nonverbal signals were mainly considered unreal, and the activities recommended were considered some kind of cosmetics, whose product would be comparable to verbalisms. In contrary to this, in the last time, special educators for the blind are dealing more and more with the elaboration of special programmes for the development of nonverbal communication in visually impaired children. In connection with this, the importance of nonverbal communication for the socialization, inclusion and social integration is emphasized.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „U susret inkluziji – dileme u teoriji i praksi“,Zlatibor,2008sr
dc.subjectneverbalna komunikacijasr
dc.subjectosobe sa oštećenjem vidasr
dc.subjectnonverbal communicationsr
dc.subjectvisually impaired childrensr
dc.titleNeverbalna komunikacija osoba sa oštećenjem vidasr
dc.titleNonverbal communication of visually impaired personssr



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