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dc.creatorMatović, Ivana
dc.description.abstractPoremećaji ishrane predstavljaju nezdrave navike ponašanja u ishrani i održanju telesne težine. Uzroci poremećaja ishrane su i dalje u određenoj meri nepoznati, ali se svakako ističe veliki uticaj socio-kulturnih faktora. Glavni činioci ove grupacije su porodica, vršnjaci i mediji. Od samog rođenja, porodica generalno, ali roditelji dominantno, utiču na stvaranje vrednosti po pitanju idealne težine i oblika tela, nesvesno ponekad podstičući poremećaje ishrane. Od detinjstva pa sve do puberteta, porodica je često sklona da pohvaljuje mršav izgled, a kasnije taj primat preuzimaju vršnjaci svojim pozitivnim ili negativnim komentarima. U želji da se dokaže u društvu, da zadovolji postavljene kriterijume „dobrog izgleda“, pojedinac često, nekadašnji zdrav način života, lako zamenjuje teškim i iscrpljujućim dijetama ili napornim treninzima, uz postepeni nesvesni gubitak sopstvenog identiteta. I ako zrelost nosi sa sobom i određeni, viši stepen samopouzdanja i manju podložnost uticajima porodice i vršnjaka na sopstvene odluke, u današnjem savremenom društvu, kada je pojedinac sve više okrenut sebi, primat uticaja preuzimaju mediji koji sa svih strana šalju pozitivna ali i negativno impulse utičući na samosvest svakog pojedinca. Ukoliko kod individue ne postoji mogućnost selekcije informacija, ona nesvesno podleže uticaju medija i biva uvučena u svet virtuelnog idealizovanog sveta. U radu je opisan uticaj socio-kulturnih faktori (porodica, vršnjaci i mediji) na zadovoljstvo, odnosno nezadovoljstvo sopstvenim izgledom i postojanje rizika na mogućnost razvoja poremećaja ishrane. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje da li su socio-kulturni uticaji rizični faktori za javljanje poremećaja ishrane u populaciji studenata kroz ispitivanje stepena zadovoljstva studenata vlastitim izgledom, njihovu svest o uticaju porodice, vršnjaka i medija na stvaranje slike o sopstvenom izgledu. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćen uzorak od 227 studenata-ispitanika, od čega su 127 činile ispitanice ženskog pola i 100 ispitanika muškog pola. Starost studenata se kretala od 20 do 25 godina, a mesto porekla Beograd ili van Beograda. Studenti su pohađali tri grupacije fakulteta (fakultete društvenih nauka, tehničko-tehnoloških i prirodno-matematičkih) i bili su sa svih godina osnovnih i master studija. Na osnovu rezultata statističke analize odgovora studenata izveden je zaključak da socio- kulturni uticaji (porodica, vršnjaci i mediji) nisu direktan faktor rizika za nastanak poremećaja ishrane u studentskoj populaciji, ali da interakcija svih navedenih faktora svakako doprinosi povećanju rizika od nastanka poremećaja.sr
dc.description.abstractEating disorders are unhealthy eating and weight maintenance habits. The causes of eating disorders are still to some extent unknown, but the strong influence of socio-cultural factors is certainly highlighted. The main contributors are family, peers and the media. From birth, family in general, but parents dominantly, influence the creation of value in terms of ideal weight and body shape, sometimes encouraging eating disorders. From childhood until puberty, family is often inclined to praise a slim look, and later that primacy is assumed by peers with their positive or negative comments. In order to prove themselves in society, to meet the criteria of “good looks”, an individual often once a healthy lifestyle, is easily replaced by difficult and exhausting diets or strenuous training, with a gradual unconscious loss of his or her identity. And if maturity carries with it a certain, higher degree of self- confidence and less susceptibility to the influence of family and peers on their own decisions, in today's modern society, when an individual is increasingly turned to himself, the primacy of influence is taken over by the media, which sends positive and negative impulses on all sides. affecting each individual’s self-awareness. If the individual does not have the ability to select information, he is unconsciously subject to the influence of the media and is drawn into the world of the virtual idealized world. The work describes the influence of socio-cultural factors (family, peers and media) on satisfaction, or dissatisfaction with one's own appearance and the existence of risk on the possibility of eating disorders. The aim of this work is to determine whether socio-cultural influences are risk factors for the occurrence of eating disorders in the student population by examining the degree of student satisfaction with their appearance, their awareness of the influence of family, peers and the media on creating a picture of their own appearance. The study included a sample of 227 students, of whom 127 were female and 100 were male. The age of students ranged from 20 to 25 years, and their place of origin was Belgrade or outside Belgrade. The students attended three groups of faculties (faculties of social sciences, technical-technological and natural- mathematical) and were from all years of elementary and master studies. Based on the results of the statistical analysis of student responses, it was concluded that socio-cultural influences (family, peers, and the media) are not a direct risk factor for eating disorders in the student population, but that the interaction of all these factors certainly contributes to the increased risk of the disorder.sr
dc.subjectporemećaji ishranesr
dc.subjectslika o sebisr
dc.subjectsocio-kulturni faktorisr
dc.subjecteating disorderssr
dc.subjectsocio-cultural factorssr
dc.titleSocio-kulturni uticaj kao faktor rizika za razvoj poremećaja ishrane u studentskoj populacijisr



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