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Comparative analysis of stigmatisation attitudes toward family members of persons suffering from Schizophrenia or Autism

dc.contributorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorDragojević, Nada
dc.creatorMilačić Vidojević, Ivona
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je pore�����enje odnosa izmedju tendencije ka stigmatizaciji članova porodice osoba sa shizofrenijom i osoba s autizmom. Izvršeno je pore�����enje rezultata dva nezavisna uzorka, koji je činilo ukupno 989 pripadnika opšte populacije. Ispitanici su imali zadatak da odgovore na Upitnik o porodičnoj stigmi (Family Stigma Questionnaire - FSQ). Kvantitativna analiza rezultata ne pokazuje značajne razlike u vrednovanju konstrukata stigmatizacije (p>0,05) članova porodice osoba sa autizmom (AS=3.10) i shizofrenijom (AS=3.285), ali je uočena različita distribucija vrednovanih parametara. U oba uzorka više se stigmatizuju roditelji nego braća i sestre. Roditelji osoba s autizmom smatraju se odgovornijim (nego braća i sestre) za početak bolesti, pogoršanja i za kompetentnost, dok ispitanici smatraju da roditelji osoba sa shizofrenijom (više nego braća i sestre) treba još i da se više stide, da ih treba više izbegavati i da simptomi bolesti mogu lakše da se odraze na njih nego na braću i sestre. Razlike u stigmatizaciji porodičnih uloga oca i majke ispoljavaju se samo u stavovima prema roditeljima osoba sa shizofrenijom (majka je podložnija kontaminaciji i treba je više sažaljevati, a otac je manje kompetentan). Struktura interkorelacija konstrukata skale ukazuje na stav ispitanika da roditelji osoba s autizmom treba da se stide i treba ih sažaljevati ako ih okrivljavaju, dok brat i sestra u istom slučaju ne treba da se stide i ne treba da se izbegavaju. Ista analiza ukazuje na stav da roditelji osoba sa shizofrenijom ako se smatraju odgovorni treba da se stide i treba ih izbegavati, a ne i da ih treba sažaljevati. Ako se smatra da bolest može da se odrazi na brata ili sestru, stav ispitanika je da ih zbog toga treba sažaljevati, ali da ne treba da se stide niti da se izbegavaju. Potrebna su dalja istraživanja radi preciznijeg utvr�����ivanja strukture stigme.sr
dc.description.abstractPurpose of this paper is to compare stigmatization attitudes toward family members of persons suffering from schizophrenia with the attitudes of family members of persons suffering from autism. Compared were the results obtained from two independent samples which included 989 subjects coming from general population. The respondents had to answer The Family Stigma Questionnaire –FSQ. Quantitative analysis has not revealed significant differences in valuation of the constructs of stigmatization (p>0.05) for family members of autistic persons (AS=3.10) and for family members of schizophrenic persons (AS=3.285), though observed were the differences in distribution of evaluated parameters. Parents of autistic persons are considered more responsible than brothers or sisters of these persons for the onset of illness, its deterioration and their own incompetence, while, according to the respondents, the parents of persons suffering from schizophrenia should feel more shame, should be more avoided and could be more easily contaminated with the illness than the brothers or the sisters of schizophrenic persons. Differences in stigmatization of different family roles are manifested only in attitudes toward parents of schizophrenic persons (mother is more exposed to contamination and should be more pitied, while father is les competent). The structure of inter-correlation of constructs of the scale suggest that the respondents think the parents of autistic persons should feel shame and should be pitied if they are taken responsible, while brothers or sisters in the same case should not feel shame and should not be avoided. The same analysis suggest there is an attitude that the parents of schizophrenic persons should feel shame and should be avoided but not pitied if considered responsible. If the respondents think the illness might contaminate brothers or sisters, they feel the brothers and sisters should be pitied and should not be ashamed or avoided. Further investigations are needed to obtain more accurate structure of the stigma.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 5. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Zlatibor, 24-27. septembar 2011sr
dc.titleKomparativna analiza tendencije ka stigmatizaciji članova porodice osoba sa shizofrenijom i osoba s autizmomsr
dc.titleComparative analysis of stigmatisation attitudes toward family members of persons suffering from Schizophrenia or Autismsr



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