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Detection, determination and monitoring of children with disabilities in the municipality of Foca

dc.contributorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorRapaić, Dragan
dc.creatorNedović, Goran
dc.creatorKulić, Milan
dc.creatorRistić, Siniša
dc.creatorIlle, Tatjana
dc.creatorGajić, Milan
dc.creatorKalajdžić, Oliver
dc.creatorTadić, Vaska
dc.description.abstractProblem detekcije, evidencije, praćenja i usmeravanja dece sa smetnjama u razvoju u Republici Srpskoj je kompleksan i do sada nije ostvarena institucionalizovana i stručna povezanost izme�����u zdravstva, dečje zaštite, školovanja i socijalne zaštite. Ovi problemi su doveli do: stagnacije u ranom otkrivanju dece ometene u razvoju a samim tim i kasnom uključivanju u odgovarajuće rehabilitacione programe; male obuhvaćenosti dece predškolskim vaspitanjem, osnovnoškolskim vaspitanjem i obrazovanjem kao i profesionalnim osposobljavanjem i zastoja u razvoju mreže institucija koje se bave decom ometenom u razvoju. Ovom problemu smo pristupili kroz naučno istraživački projekat „Detekcija, determinacija i prećenje dece ometene u razvoju na području Republike Srpske“ koji je odobrilo Ministarstvo nauke i tehnologije Republike Srpske. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su: otkrivanje dece sa smetnjama u razvoju, njihovo evidentiranje i uspostavljanje mehanizma periodičnog praćenja. Za realizaciju prvog cilja ovog istraživanja izvršena je kvalitativna analiza aktuelne zakonske regulative Republike Srpske u kojoj se pominju deca sa smetnjama u razvoju: Zakon o socijalnoj zaštiti, Zakon o dečijoj zaštiti, Zakon o osnovnom obrazovanju i vaspitanju. Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti i Pravilnik o razvrstavanju lica sa smetnjama u fizičkom i psihičkom razvoju. Na osnovu, obra�����nih podataka, na teritoriji Opštine Foča evidentirano je 37 dece sa smetnjama u razvoju sa Nalazom i mišljenjem stručne komisije. Od tog broja, 11 nalazi se u dve osnovne škole. Pored ove dece, u dve redovne škole u Foči nastavu poha�����a još 24 dece koja ispoljavaju smetnje u razvoju ali nemaju Rešenje Stručne Komisije. Reč je o deci koja ispoljavaju: Oštećenje glasa govora i jezika 12 (50%); Hronične bolesti 4 (16,66%); Oštećenje vida 3 (12,50%); Laka mentalna retardacija 3 (12,50%), Telesna oštećenja 1 (4,16%) i Poremećaj ponašanja 1 (4,16%).sr
dc.description.abstractProblem of detection, keeping records, monitoring and guidance of children with disabilities in Republika Srpska is complex. Institutionalized and professional relationship between health, child welfare, education and social protection has not been established yet. These problems have led to: stagnation in the early detection of disabilities in children and therefore the late inclusion in the appropriate rehabilitation programs; low coverage of children with pre-school and primary education as well as professional training and delays in development of institutional network, which should involve institutions specialized in dealing with disabled children. We approached this problem through scientific research project “Detection, Determination and Monitoring of Children with Disabilities in Republika Srpska”, approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Serbia. The objectives of this research are: detection of children with developmental disabilities, their recording, and establishing of periodic monitoring. In order to finish the first objective of this research, quality analysis of the current legislation in Republika Srpska, regarding children with disabilities, was carried out. Those are: the Law on Social Protection, the Law on Child Protection, the Law on Primary Education, Health Care Law and Regulation regarding Classification of people with disabilities in the physical and mental development. Grounded on processed data, in the municipality of Foca, we recorded 37 children with disabilities with recorded opinion of expert committee. Out of those 37, eleven children were located in two elementary schools. In addition to these children, in two regular schools in Foca there are 24 children with disabilities, but without opinion of expert committee. Those are the children with: impairment of voice, speech or language 12 (50%), chronic disease 4 (16,66%), visual impairment 3 (12,50%), mild mental retardation 3 (12,50%), physical impairment 1 (4,16%) and behavioral disorders 1 (4,16%).sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 5. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Zlatibor, 24-27. septembar 2011.sr
dc.subjectdeca sa smetnjamasr
dc.subjectevidence detectionsr
dc.subjectchildren with disabilitiessr
dc.titleDetekcija, determinacija i praćenje dece sa Smetnjama u razvoju u opštini Fočasr
dc.titleDetection, determination and monitoring of children with disabilities in the municipality of Focasr



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