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Sociodemograhic features of families with cochlear implanted children

dc.contributorGligorović, Milica
dc.creatorOstojić, Sanja
dc.creatorĐoković, Sanja
dc.creatorNikolić, Mina
dc.creatorMikić, Branka
dc.description.abstractIstraživanja porodice gluve dece zauzima veoma važno mesto u temama razvojne psihologije, ali i drugih grana ove nauke, sociologije, demografije i drugih naučnih disciplina. Porodicu čine nekoliko ljudi koji žive zajedno, najčešće u dve generacije- roditelji i deca, i svako od članova doprinosi formiranju specifičnog načina života i dinamike relacija unutar porodice. Porodica kao celina ima za cilj da odgovori na specifične razvojne i nerazvojne potrebe svakog svog člana. Saznanje o gluvoći i ometenosti deteta, kao traumatski, neočekivan i neželjeni životni događaj dovodi roditelje u egzistencijalnu krizu jer ozbiljno remeti osećaj sigurnosti i poverenja i aktivira različita ambivalentna i nerazrešena osećanja. Cilj ovog dela istraživanja bio je da se ispita da li sociodemografske karakteristike porodice kohlearno implantirane dece utiču na funkcionisanje deteta sa KI. Pod ciljevi su da se ispitaju sociodemografske karakteristike porodice KI dece u odnosu na mesto boravka, stepen stručne spreme oca i majke, strukturu porodice, materijalno stanje, stambene uslove i nivo zadovoljstva novčanim prihodima. Istraživanje je izvedeno na uzorku od 30 roditelja kohlearno implantirane dece, starosti od 3 do 10 godina, bez udruženih smetnji u razvoju, koja su korisnici kohlearnog implanta (KI) najmanje godinu dana. Podaci su dobijeni Upitnikom o stavovima roditelja kohlearno implantirane dece. Rezultati su dobijeni metodama demografske statistike i prikazani su tabelarno i grafički. Analiza varijanse demografskih varijabli pokazala je da mesto boravka (46,7% Beograd, 53,3% drugi regioni Srbije), nivo stručne spreme roditelja (srednja 66,7% oceva, 73,3% majki), zaposlenost (83,3% očeva, 50% majki), struktura porodice (nuklearna 66,7%, ima brata ili sestru 90%), nivo zadovoljstva novčanim prilikama (za-dovoljni 53,3%, nezadovoljni 46,7%) nema statistički značajan uticaj na funkcionisanje kohlearno implantirane dece.sr
dc.description.abstractNumerous researches on families with deaf children have been conducted by developmental psychologists as well as by sociologists, demographics and other scientists. A family consists of several people living together in the same household, usually two generations – parents and children. Each member contributes to specific way of life and relation dynamics within family. Family as a unit has the goal to fulfill specific developmental and existential needs of each member. Discovery that a child is deaf and handicapped is an extremely traumatic, unexpected and unwanted event in parents’ life, thus causing existential crisis in the family due to the loss of safety and confidence, and a lot of ambivalent and unresolved feelings. The goal of this study was to investigate whether sociodemographic features of the family of cochlear implanted children influence the functioning of the child with cochlear implant. It encompassed the following details: living location, parents’ education, family structure, economic status, housing and satisfaction with financial income. The sample: This study was conducted on 30 families with cochlear implanted children aged between 3 and 10. They have no additional developmental disabilities and have been using cochlear implant for at least one year. The data were obtained by the Parent Outcome Questionnaire From Pediatric Cochlear Implantation. The results were analyzed using demographic statistics and displayed in tables and graphs. According to the results of demographic variables variance analysis, 46.7% live in Belgrade (state capital) and 53.3% come from other regions of Serbia. Majority of the parents have high school degree (66.7% of fathers, 73.3% of mothers). In this group 83.3% of fathers and 50% of mothers are employed. The family is mostly nuclear (66.7%). There are siblings in 90% of the cases. When it comes to overall satisfaction with financial income, 53.3% are satisfied and 46.7% are not, but according to statistical data it does not considerably affect the functioning of cochlear implanted children.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova –2. Naučni skup, „Stremljenja i novine u Specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Beograd, 28. decembar 2012sr
dc.subjectkohlearni implantsr
dc.subjectcochlear implantsr
dc.titleSociodemografske karakteristike porodice kohlearno implantirane decesr
dc.titleSociodemograhic features of families with cochlear implanted childrensr



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