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Application of portfolio as a form of alternative assessment in the educational process

dc.contributorGligorović, Milica
dc.creatorBanković, Slobodan
dc.description.abstractZa učenike sa izraženim kognitivnim teškoćama, alternativna procena obezbeđuje primaran mehanizam za učešće u proceni edukativnih potencijala. Evaluacija zasnovana na portfoliju predstavlja jedan od oblika alternativne procene. Povećani interes za procenu zasnovanu na portfoliju javlja se uporedo sa težnjom edukatora da pronađu autentičnije načine za dokumentovanje postignuća učenika. Cilj rada je da se prikažu glavne karakteristike portfolija kao oblika alternativne procene u obrazovno-vaspitnom procesu. Takođe, u radu su prikazane prednosti ovog tipa procene, ali i poteškoće koje se pojavljuju prilikom primene portfolija u praksi. Generalno, mogu se izdvojiti tri tipa portfolija (radni, reprezentativni i evaluativni). Pored tipologije, u literaturi su saopštene prednosti procene zasnovane na portfoliju, poput povezivanja procene sa nastavom, ohrabrivanje učenika da preuzmu odgovornost za sopstveno učenje itd. Sa druge strane, saopšteni su i problemi ili izazovi koji prate primenu portfolija, kao oblika procene. Između ostalog, to su teškoće u primeni procesa procene, teškoće u vezi sa ocenjivanjem (vrednovanjem), problemi generalizacije i poređenja rezultata, kao i pitanja u vezi sa validnošću i relijabilnošću procene. Evaluacija zasnovana na portfoliju pruža alternativu tradicionalnim oblicima procene, posebno u onim slučajevima kada ni uz upotrebu odgovarajućih akomodacija ili modifikacija nije moguće proceniti napredak i postignuće učenika. Međutim, da bi ovaj vid alternativne procene bio uspešno primenjen, neophodno je pripremiti nastavnike, specijalne edukatore, ali i učenike, za realizaciju takvog oblika
dc.description.abstractFor students with significant cognitive disabilities, alternative assessment provides the primary mechanism to participate in the evaluation of educational potentials. The evaluation based on a portfolio represents one of the forms of alternative assessment. The increased interest in portfolio-based evaluation occurs parallel with educators’ tendency to find authentic ways to document students’ achievement. The aim of this work is to present the main characteristics of a portfolio as a form of alternative assessment in the educational process. Also, this work presents both the advantages of this type of evaluation and the difficulties that appear in its application. Generally, we can distinguish among three portfolio types (working, showcase and evaluative). Besides the typology, the literature represents the advantages of portfolio-based evaluation, such as linking evaluation with teaching, encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning, etc. On the other hand, the problems or challenges that go with the application of portfolio as a form of evaluation are also represented. Among other things, these problems include difficulties in the application of evaluation process, difficulties with grading (evaluation), problems of generalization, and comparison of results, as well as questions about validity and reliability of the evaluation. The portfolio-based evaluation offers the alternative to the traditional forms of evaluation, especially in those cases where there is no possibility to evaluate the progress and the achievement of students even with the use of appropriate accommodation or modification. However, in order to successfully apply this type of alternative assessment, it’s necessary to prepare teachers, special educators, and students for realization of this form of
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179068/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova –2. Naučni skup, „Stremljenja i novine u Specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Beograd, 28. decembar 2012sr
dc.titlePrimena portfolija kao oblika alternativne procene u obrazovno-vaspitnom procesusr
dc.titleApplication of portfolio as a form of alternative assessment in the educational processsr

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