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The use of parent questionnaires as an assessment tool for auditory performance of the deaf and hard of hearing children

dc.contributorVuković, Mile
dc.contributorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.contributorMaćešić-Petrović, Dragana
dc.creatorNikolić, Mina
dc.creatorOstojić, Sanja
dc.creatorMirić, Danica
dc.description.abstractUsavršavanjem dijagnostičkih i rehabilitacionih postupaka vreme intervencije u surdologiji se pomerilo na najmlađi uzrast, zbog čega primena upitnika za roditelje u proceni auditivnih sposobnosti gluve i nagluve dece na tom uzrastu sve više dobija na značaju. Glavni cilj kvalitetne procene auditivne funkcije jeste obezbeđivanje adekvatne amplifikacije savremenim slušnim pomagalima (digitalni aparati, kohlearni implant), strategije komunikacije i modela rehabilitacije, kako bi se maksimalno iskoristio auditivni potencijal nagluvog ili gluvog deteta i podstakao njegov razvoj. S obzirom na činjenicu da procena razvoja i sazrevanja slušne funkcije daleko prevazilazi podatke koje je moguće dobiti primenom samo jedne metode, ovi upitnici imaju za cilj uvid u roditeljske opservacije auditivnog ponašanja dece u različitim životnim situacijama. Na taj način, moguće je identifikovati različite smetnje i poremećaje sluha, obezbediti praćenje auditivnog razvoja dece od strane roditelja, ali i vršiti evaluaciju rezultata rehabilitacije gluve i nagluve dece. Cilj rada bio je da se napravi kritička analiza upitnika namenjenih roditeljima (starateljima) dece sa različitim smetnjama sluha, koji su prevedeni i adaptirani za srpski jezik, a namenjeni su proceni auditivnih sposobnosti dece od rođenja do sedme godine − CHILD, PEACH, IT-MAIS, FAPCI i LittlEARS. Materijal i metod. Kritička analiza navedenih upitnika nalazi se u rezultatima istraživanja u kojima su primenjeni. Autori su dostupne upitnike sistematizovali u odnosu na: broj pitanja (predviđeno vreme), tip odgovora, uzrast, namenu, pouzdanost i valjanost upitnika.Zaključak. Upitnici za roditelje predstavljaju značajan instrument za procenu auditivnog funkcionisanja deteta, pri čemu su se dva upitnika (PEACH i LittlEARS) posebno istakla jasnom koncepcijom, kao pouzdani i jednostavni za kliničku primenu. Ovi upitnici nam omogućavaju dobar uvid u roditeljske opservacije auditivnog ponašanja njihove dece u svakodnevnim životnim situacijama, kroz koje je moguće pratiti razvoj i sazrevanje auditivne funkcije gluve i nagluve dece.sr
dc.description.abstractEarly identification of hearing impairment due to new diagnostic tools and early intervention strategies and devices has shifted the time of onset of rehabilitation towards very young age. The main objective of the comprehensive assessment of the auditory capacity of the deaf or hard of hearing children is to provide the adequate amplification using contemporary digital hearing instruments or cochlear implants and to choose the best possible communication strategy and rehabilitation model for utilization of residual hearing of the hearing impaired child and optimal functioning in different listening and communication situations. Considering the fact that any single auditory test provides insufficient data on comprehensive auditory behavior of hearing impaired child, the questionnaires could provide additional valuable information obtained through parents observation regarding complex listening situations. Those data help parents and professionals to identify listening difficulties and monitor the auditory development of hearing impaired child as well as to evaluate the effects of rehabilitation of the deaf and hard of hearing children. The objective of this review has been to compare and analyze different auditory questionnaires for parents which have been translated into Serbian language and adapted for use in our country, that are used for evaluation of auditory performance in hearing impaired children from birth to 7 years − CHILD, PEACH, IT-MAIS, FAPCI and LittlEARS. The results of various studies conducted by the authors, using those auditory questionnaires are presented. The questionnaires have been compared according to the number of questions (required time), type of answers, age of children, ease of use, reliability and overall quality. Conclusion: Parent questionnaires are an important tool for assessment of the auditory behavior of the hearing impaired children. Among numerous questionnaires, two of them (PEACH and LittlEARS) have shown clear concept, maximum reliability and ease of use in clinical practice. Those questionnaires provide good insight in parents observation of auditory behavior of hearing impaired children in everyday life as an indicator of auditory development and maturation in the deaf and hearing impaired children.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 8. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 7-9. 11. 2014sr
dc.subjectupitnici za roditeljesr
dc.subjectauditivne sposobnostisr
dc.subjectgluvoća, rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectparent questionnairesr
dc.subjectauditory capacitysr
dc.titlePrimena upitnika za roditelje u proceni auditivnih sposobnosti gluve i nagluve decesr
dc.titleThe use of parent questionnaires as an assessment tool for auditory performance of the deaf and hard of hearing childrensr



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