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Application of brain-computer interface system in communication of people with severe motor deficits

dc.creatorJovanović Simić, Nadica
dc.creatorArsenić, Ivana
dc.creatorDaničić, Zorica
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractUvod:Održavanje i unapređenje komunikacionih sposobnosti osoba sa teškim motoričkim deficitima su osnovni ciljevi logopedske rehabilitacije. Mozak–računar interfejs sistemi mogu da se koriste kao sredstva u komunikaciji ove grupe korisnika, s obzirom na to da im omogućavaju kontrolu spoljašnjih uređaja uz pomoć moždane aktivnosti. Ova asistivna tehnologija predstavlja novi komunikacioni kanal između ljudskog mozga i računara, ili drugih uređaja. Naime, nameru korisnika, koja se odražava u moždanim signalima, ovi sistemi prevode u autput koji se koristi za kontrolu eksternog uređaja, bez upotrebe mišićne aktivnosti. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je da se opišu i navedu osnovne vrste i podele mozak–računar interfejs sistema, kao i njihov razvoj za komunikaciju kod osoba sa teškim motoričkim deficitima. Metode: Prilikom uvida u dostupnu literaturu korišćeni su servis Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku – KOBSON, kao i pretraživači Google Scholar i Research Gate. Zaključak: Rani sistemi za komunikaciju, koji su bili zasnovani na tumačenju moždanih talasa, omogućavali su odgovore na jednostavna „da/ne” pitanja. Nakon toga njihova upotreba je bila moguća i u metodama spelovanja, čija je brzina vremenom postala veća. Razvoj mozak–računar interfejs sistema usmeren je ka smanjenju dužine obuke, jer su vremenski dugi treninzi jedna od glavnih prepreka za prihvatanje od korisnika. Pored toga, istraživanja u ovoj oblasti usmerena su na poboljšanje performansi u svim delovima sistema za komunikaciju, kao i na razvoj pouzdanog interfejsa između korisnika i računara.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Maintaining and improving communication skills of people with severe motor deficits are the main goals of speech therapy. Brain-computer interface systems can be used as a means of communication in this group of users, since they allow them to control external devices with the help of brain activity. This assistive technology represents a new communication channel between the human brain and computers, or other devices. These systems translate the user’s intention, reflected in brain signals, into the output used to control an external device, without muscular activity. Objective. The aim of this paper was to describe and list basic types and divisions of the brain-computer interface system, as well as their development for communication in people with severe motor deficits. Methods. A systematic review of the available literature was performed by searching electronic databases available through the service of the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition – KOBSON, as well as through Google Scholar and Research Gate. Conclusion. Early communication systems, based on the interpretation of brain waves, provided answers to simple ”yes/no” questions. After that, they were also used in spelling methods, whose speed became higher over time. The development of a brain-computer interface system aims to reduce the length of training, as time-consuming training is one of the main obstacles for the users. In addition, research in this area is aimed at improving performance in all parts of the communication system, as well as developing a reliable interface between users and computers.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179068/RS//sr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectasistivna tehnologijasr
dc.subjectmotorički deficitisr
dc.subjectmozak–računar interfejs sistemisr
dc.subjectassistive technologysr
dc.subjectbrain-computer interface systemssr
dc.subjectmotor deficitssr
dc.titlePrimena mozak-računar interfejs sistema u komunikaciji osoba sa teškim motoričkim deficitimasr
dc.titleApplication of brain-computer interface system in communication of people with severe motor deficitssr



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