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Obstacles to independent mobility – experience of visually impaired adults

dc.contributorVuković, Mile
dc.creatorCvijetić, Marija
dc.creatorStanimirović, Dragana
dc.creatorSlavnić, Svetlana
dc.description.abstractSamostalno kretanje je jedan od preduslova realizacije brojnih životnih aktivnosti i učešća osobe u životu zajednice. Osobe sa oštećenjem vida, usled odsustva vizuelne kontrole, imaju više teškoća u orijentaciji i kretanju u prostoru u odnosu na pripadnike tipične populacije. Uzroci njihovih teškoća mogu se tražiti u ograničenjima koja proizilaze iz oštećenja čula vida (medicinski model ometenosti) ili fizičkim i socijalnim barijerama u okruženju (socijalni model ometenosti). Cilj ovog istraživanja je identifikovanje prisustva i prirode poteškoća sa kojima se osobe sa oštećenjem vida susreću prilikom kretanja u neposrednom i širem okruženju. Uzorak čini 15 odraslih ispitanika sa oštećenjem vida. Podaci dobijeni primenom intervjua ilustruju percepciju samih ispitanika o njihovim iskustvima i preprekama u domenu mobilnosti. Analiza odgovora ispitanika pokazuje da oni uglavnom nemaju veće poteškoće u kretanju i snalaženju u najbližem okruženju, dok se prilikom kretanja u širem okruženju i korišćenju prevoza susreću sa brojnim spoljašnjim barijerama. Generalno posmatrano, po pitanju prepreka u domenu mobilnosti, ispitanici iz ovog uzorka veći značaj pridaju spoljašnjim barijerama (arhitektonskim, finansijskim i međuljudskim) nego oštećenju vida. Nalazi ove studije takođe sugerišu i da način formulisanja pitanja može imati uticaja na odgovore ispitanika, tj. da priroda odgovora donekle može biti povezana sa početnim očekivanjima istraživača koji kreira upitnik ili intervju. Identifikovanje barijera za nezavisnije kretanje iz perspektive samih osoba sa oštećenjem vida daje nam smernice za konkretne akcije usmerene ka unapređenju njihove samostalnosti i socijalne participacije.sr
dc.description.abstractIndependent mobility is one of the preconditions for the realization of many life activities and participation of people in community life. People with visual impairment, due to the absence of visual control, have more difficulties in orientation and motion in space in relation to members of the typical population. Causes of their difficulties can be traced to the limitations arising from damage of sense of sight (the medical model of disability), or physical and social barriers in the environment (the social model of disability). The aim of this study is to identify the presence and nature of difficulties that persons with visual impairment face when moving in the immediate and wider environment. The sample consistes of 15 adult subjects with visual impairment. Information obtained by interviews illustrate the perception of the respondents about their experiences and obstacles related to mobility. Analysis of the responses shows that those examinees generally do not have greater difficulties in mobility and orientation in the immediate environment, while face numerous external barriers as they move into the wider environment and use of transport. Generally speaking, in terms of obstacles in the area of mobility, the respondents in this sample attach greater significance to external barriers (architectural, financial and interpersonal) than to visual impairment. The findings of this study also suggest that the formulation of questions can influence the respondents’ answers, ie. that the nature of the response may be somewhat associated with the initial expectations of the researchers who created a questionnaire or interview. Identifying barriers to more independent moving from the perspective of the very people with visual impairment gives us guidelines for concrete action aimed at improving their independence and social participation.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 9. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 25–27.9.2015sr
dc.subjectoštećenje vidasr
dc.subjectsocijalni model ometenostisr
dc.subjectvisual impairmentsr
dc.subjectsocial model of disabilitysr
dc.titlePrepreke u samostalnom kretanju – iskustvo odraslih osoba sa oštećenjem vidasr
dc.titleObstacles to independent mobility – experience of visually impaired adultssr



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