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Several families with a blind baby that resemble each other

dc.contributorFilipović, Mirko
dc.contributorBrojčin, Branislav
dc.creatorStanimirović, Dragana
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je da ukaže na sličnosti u sadržajima prikupljenim tokom individualnog savetovanja roditelja pet slepih beba. Kvalitativna analiza je obavljena na osnovu audiosnimaka i pisanih materijala. Roditelji su zatražili pomoć nakon „saznanja” da njihovo dete nikad neće videti. Tema svakog susreta bila je određena onim što trenutno najviše brine roditelje u vezi njihovog deteta. Analiza pokazuje da su se u svih pet slučaja pojavile iste teme. Na početku su se svi roditelji pitali: Ima li negde leka? Da li je moglo da se izbegne? Vidi li bar svetlo? Paralelno su se javljale sumnje da beba ima neku dodatnu smetnju jer: „ćuti”, „ne reaguje” i sl. Korišćene su tehnike aktivnog slušanja, reflektovanja osećanja, ali i konfrontiranje. Ishod je bio prihvatanje postojećeg stanja. To je prelomni trenutak nakon koga su roditelji bili spremni da uče o specifičnostima razvoja slepih beba. Upućeni su na relevantnu literaturu, a jedna porodica je angažovala tiflologa. I pored toga, sve roditelje je brinulo i plašilo što beba ne drži glavu pravo, ne puzi, što stavlja rukicu u oko itd. Nisu bili sigurni da li ispravno postupaju. Prorađivali smo njihova osećanja i potkrepljivali doživljaj roditeljske kompetentnosti. To je uticalo na promenu njihovih misli, osećanja i ponašanja.sr
dc.description.abstractResearch subject: The aim of this study was to point out the similarities in the content gathered during individual counseling offered to parents of five blind babies. Qualitative analysis was conducted based on audio recordings and written materials. Method: All families were complete. They asked for help of a psychologist after they “acquired knowledge” that their child would never see (the youngest child was nine and the oldest was twelve months old). This was done by four mothers and one father. Each of these parents, or parental couples, occasionally came to psychological counseling. The topic for each meeting was determined by what the parents’ main concern regarding their child was at that point. Results: The analysis showed that the same topics emerged in all five cases. Initially, all parents asked the following questions: Is there a cure? Could this have been avoided? Does he/she see the light at least? ... Furthermore, doubts that the baby had an additional disorder emerged as well, because the baby: “prefers silence”, “does not react”, etc. The techniques of active listening, reflection of emotions, but also confrontation, were used. The outcome was the acceptance of the current situation. This was a turning point after which the parents were ready to learn about the specifics of the development of a blind baby. They were referred to the relevant literature. In addition to that, one family took on a special educator and rehabilitator for persons with visual impairment. Nevertheless, all parents had worries and fears because their baby did not keep his/her head straight, did not crawl, put fingers into the eye, etc. From time to time they were focused on the reactions of people from their environment. They were not sure if they were doing the right thing. Conclusion: During individual counseling, we worked on their feelings and corroborated the experience of parental competence. This had an impact on changing their thoughts, feelings and behavior.sr
dc.publisherUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Serbia / Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.sourceProceedings- Eurlyaid Conference 2017 „ Early Childhood Intervention: For meeting sustainable development goals of the new millennium “, Beograd, Srbija, 06–08. 10.2017.sr
dc.subjectslepa bebasr
dc.subjectpsihološko savetovanjesr
dc.subjectblind babysr
dc.subjectpsychological counselingsr
dc.titleNekoliko porodica sa slepom bebom koje liče jedna na drugusr
dc.titleSeveral families with a blind baby that resemble each othersr



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