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Communicational standpoint selection in rehabilitator – parent relation

dc.contributorFilipović, Mirko
dc.contributorBrojčin, Branislav
dc.creatorBabić, Nikola
dc.creatorRadulović, Danka
dc.creatorNikolić, Snežana
dc.description.abstractPredmet: Komunikacija između defektologa i roditelja deteta sa cerebralnom paralizom zahteva visok nivo kompetentnosti i potrebno je da bude prožeta motivisanjem roditelja za aktivno učešće u habilitacionom tretmanu. Cilj rada je da se na osnovu pregleda dostupne literature postavi polazna osnova za pospešenje komunikacije na relaciji između defektologa i roditelja, koja će se posmatrati kroz prizmu načina odabira habilitacionih ciljeva. Iznete su pretpostavke o adekvatnosti odabira određenog komunikacionog pristupa u odnosu na komunikacione potrebe roditelja. Metod: Na osnovu proučavanja dostupne literature, u svrhu definisanja komunikacionog pristupa defektologa, predlaže se upotreba edukativnih stilova postavljenih od strane Baumrind i određivanje komunikacionih pristupa vođenja, saradnje i na kraju podrške, odnosno autoritativosti, kooperativnosti i suportivnosti. Adekvatnim odabirom komunikacionog pristupa podstiče se progresija ka sve većem stepenu učešća roditelja u postavljanju habilitacionih ciljeva. Sa druge strane, pretpostavlja se da komunikacione potrebe roditelja koreliraju sa stadijumima prihvatanja ometenosti deteta od strane roditelja. Stadijumi prihvatanja ometenosti definisani su o odnosu na stadijume žaljenja iznete od strane Kubler Ros, a elaborirane u svrhu rada sa decom ometenom u razvoju od strane Huber. Zaključak: Predlog je da se odabir komunikacionog pristupa vrši u odnosu na stadijum prihvatanja na kome se roditelj nalazi, ali je neizostavno zapažanje moguće dvosmernosti u uticajima – adekvatno odabran komunikacioni pristup trebalo bi da doprinese uspostavljanju višeg stadijuma prihvatanja ometenosti deteta. Pored eventualnog doprinosa u oblasti rada sa roditeljima dece sa cerebralnom paralizom, pretpostavka je da bi se ovakav pristup mogao implementirati i u rad sa roditeljima dece čiji je razvojni tok narušen dejstvom različitih činilaca, bez isključivosti postavljanja fokusa na motoričke poremećaje kao
dc.description.abstractResearch subject: Communication between rehabilitators and parents of children with cerebral palsy has to be accompanied with empathy and has to enhance parents’ motive for taking active participation in a rehabilitation process. Method: The aim of this paper is to, based on a review of available literature, set a starting point for enhancing communication between parents and rehabilitators, and that is to be viewed through the process of selecting rehabilitation goals. This paper shows assumptions on the possibility of selecting a particular communicational standpoint on the basis of communication needs of parents. Results: For the purpose of defining a communicational standpoint, the use of Baumrinds educational styles is proposed, including authoritative, cooperative and, ultimately, supportive approach. The specified communicational standpoints characteristic is that they progressively increase the level of participation of parents in the rehabilitation goals setting. On the other hand, the communication needs of parents are assumed to be correlated with the stages of acceptance of child disability by the parents. The stages of acceptance, derived from the stages of mourning as presented by Kübler-Ross, were later elaborated by Huber in order to work with children with disabilities. Conclusion: It is suggested that the choice of a communicational standpoint should be made with respect to the stage of parental acceptance of child disability, with an inevitable observation of the possible duality in influences – an adequately chosen communication standpoint should contribute to the establishment of a higher stage of child disability acceptance. Beside the possible contributions in the field of working with parents of children with cerebral palsy, the assumption is that the approach presented in this paper could be implemented in working with parents of children whose developmental course was affected by various factors, without excluding other conditions where a motor disorder is not
dc.publisherUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Serbia / Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.sourceUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Serbia / Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.subjectprihvatanje ometenostisr
dc.subjectkomunikacioni pristupsr
dc.subjectcerebralna paralizasr
dc.subjectkomunikacija defektolog – roditeljsr
dc.subjectdisability acceptancesr
dc.subjectcommunicational standpointsr
dc.subjectcerebral palsysr
dc.subjectparent – rehabilitator communicationsr
dc.titleOdabir komunikacionog pristupa u odnosu između defektologa i roditelјasr
dc.titleCommunicational standpoint selection in rehabilitator – parent relationsr

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