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Trainings for parents of persons with severe and profound intellectal disability
dc.description.abstractObuke za roditelje predstavljaju značajan oblik podrške porodicama osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću. Autori navode da ove obuke dovode do pozitivnih promena kod dece sa intelektualnom ometenošću i njihovih roditelja, mada je malo podataka o obukama za roditelje osoba sa teškom i dubokom intelektualnom ometenošću. Cilj rada je prikaz dostupnih i relevantnih istraživanja čiji se predmet odnosi na različite aspekte obuka namenjenih roditeljima osoba sa teškom i dubokom intelektualnom ometenošću (karakteristike polaznika obuke i njihove dece, ciljevi i metode obuke), kao i izdvajanje preporuka za intervencije i buduća istraživanja u ovoj oblasti. Analizom je obuhvaćeno 17 originalnih naučnih radova, devet preglednih radova i jedna metaanaliza. Obuke su uglavnom namenjene roditeljima dece i adolescenata, veoma retko roditeljima odraslih osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću, majke čine većinu polaznika ovih obuka. Obuke su pretežno usmerene na podsticanje detetovog razvoja i/ili regulisanje problema u ponašanju. U istraživanjima su najšeće procenjeni ishodi neposredno nakon sprovedne obuke za roditelje (roditeljsko ovladavanje podučavanim strategijama i/ili detetovo ciljno ponašanje), ređe su procenjeni generalizacija i održavanje efekata. Najčešće korišćene metode za podučavnje roditelja su: direktne instrukcije, modelovanje uživo, uvežbavanje i pružanje povratne informacije. U radu su posebno opisane obuke izdvojene kao najrelevatnije za rad sa porodicama osoba sa teškom i dubokom intelektualnom ometenošću. Potrebno je dodatno ispitati da li su strategije obuke roditelja, čija je efikasnost potvrđena kod dece sa blažim smetnjama, takođe efikasne i kod dece sa težim
dc.description.abstractParental trainings represent significant support for families of people with intellectual disability. These trainings lead to positive changes in children with intellectual disability and in their parents, although there is a little data about trainings for parents of persons with severe and profound intellectual disability. The aim of this paper is to present available and relevant research about different aspects of training for parents of persons with severe and profound intellectual disability (characteristics of parents and their children, training goals and methods), as well as to poiunt out recommendations for interventions and future research in this area. Analysis included 17 original scientific papers, nine reviews and one metaanalysis. Trainings were mostly intended for parents of children and adolescents, rarely for parents of adults with intellectual disability, majority of attendees were mothers. Trainings were mostly focused on enhancing children’s development and/or managing behavioral problems. Research usually assessed outcomes immediately after parental training (parental mastery of trained strategies and/ or child’s targeted behavior), generalization and maintaining effects were rarely evaluated. The most frequently used methods for parental trainings were: direct instructions, live modeling, exercise and giving feedback. Trainings viewed as the most relevant for work with families of persons with severe and profound intellectual disability are described in more details. Additional research is needed to investigate whether parental training strategies, that are proven effective in children with milder disabilities, are also effective in children with severe
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectkompetencije roditeljasr
dc.subjectnaturalističe intervencijesr
dc.subjectpodrška porodicisr
dc.subjectroditelji ko-terapeutisr
dc.subjectfamily supportsr
dc.subjectnaturalistic interventionssr
dc.subjectparental competencesr
dc.subjectparent co-therapistsr
dc.titleObuke za roditelje osoba sa teškom i dubokom intelektulanom ometenošćusr
dc.titleTrainings for parents of persons with severe and profound intellectal disabilitysr

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