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Teachers’ standpoints towards use of assistive technology while working with children with developmental disabilities

dc.creatorVuković, Sanja
dc.creatorRoknić, Ana
dc.description.abstractAsistivna tehnologija podrazumeva opremu koja se koristi u cilju podrške i podsticanja funkcionisanja osoba sa teškoćama u razvoju. Ova studija je imala za cilj da utvrdi stavove vaspitača o korišćenju asistivne tehnologije na teritoriji grada Beograda, kao i eventualne razlike u odnosu na starost i nivo obrazovanja vaspitača. Za prikupljanje podataka u okviru ovog istraživanja primenjena je Skala korišćenja asistivne tehnologije u obrazovanju dece sa ometenošću (Scale of the use of assistive technology in the education of children with disabilities, Arouri et al., 2020). Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na činjenicu da se asistivna tehnološka sredstva ne primenjuju u dovoljnoj meri u ispitanim ustanovama, kao i da su stavovi vaspitača prema korišćenju asistivne tehnologije u velikoj meri negativni. Kao razlozi za izostanak primene metoda i sredstava asistivne tehnologije vaspitači navode materijalna ograničenja i izostanak edukacije. Istraživanjem su dobijeni rezultati koji nisu pokazali značajnu razliku između mlađih i starijih vaspitača u stavovima prema korišćenju asistivne tehnologije. Takođe, nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika između stavova vaspitača koji su završili višu školu i onih koji su završili fakultete. Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na neophodnost obezbeđivanja materijalnih resursa, kao i adekvatne edukacije na temu primene asistivne tehnologije, vaspitačima u predškolskim ustanovama.sr
dc.description.abstractAssistive technology represents the equipment that is used for supporting persons with developmental disabilities and encouraging their functioning. Aim of this study was to determine standpoints and views of teachers about the use of assistive technology in Belgrade area, but also to determine potential differences in relation to age and level of education. Scale of the use of assistive technology in the education of children with disabilities was used for collecting the data for this research (Arouri et al., 2020). The results of the research point to the fact that the assistive technological means are not sufficiently used in institutions that were observed and that the teachers’ stances toward those means are mostly negative. Teacher cite material limitations and lack of education as reasons for not using methods and means of assistive technology. Obtained results did not show significant difference between younger and older examinees regarding the use of assistive technology. Also, there was no statistically significant difference in attitudes of teachers regardless them having bachelor or master degree. Obtained results point to the necessity of providing the material resources as well as adequate education to preschool teachers on the use of assistive technology.sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectasistivna tehnologijasr
dc.subjectdeca sa teškoćama u razvojusr
dc.subjectpredškolski uzrastsr
dc.subjectstavovi vaspitačasr
dc.subjectassistive technologysr
dc.subjectchildren with developmental disabilitiessr
dc.subjectpreschool agesr
dc.subjectteachers’ standpointssr
dc.titleStavovi vaspitača prema upotrebi asistivne tehnologije u radu sa decom sa teškoćama u razvojusr
dc.titleTeachers’ standpoints towards use of assistive technology while working with children with developmental disabilitiessr



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