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Quality of life associated with visual state of children from three to seven years of age

dc.contributorFilipović, Mirko
dc.contributorBrojčin, Branislav
dc.creatorAnđelković, Marija
dc.creatorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorTavoulari, Aikaterini
dc.description.abstractUvod: Oštećenje vida, u sadejstvu sa socijalnim činiocima, može da dovede do teškoća u razvoju i da uspori usvajanje svakodnevnih životnih veština. Roditelji dece sa oštećenjem vida zbog gubitka slike o „perfektnom” detetu, mogu da se suoče sa gubitkom samopouzdanja što se negativno odražava na kvalitet života porodice. Stoga program intervencije treba da bude fokusiran na porodicu, porodične brige i prioritete, a uključivanju u proces rane intervencije da prethodi procena razvoja deteta i potreba porodice. Metod: Cilj rada je utrvđivanje elemenata kvaliteta života povezanog sa oštećenjem vida kod dece uzrasta od tri do sedam godina. U istraživanju je korišćen Upitnik za procenu vizuelnog funkcionisanja, verzija za decu od tri do sedam godina (Children’sVisual Function Questionnaire, CVFQ). Sadrži pitanja koja se odnose na vid i zdravlje deteta, uticaj stanja vida na aktivnosti deteta, reakcije roditelja na teškoće povezane sa vizuelnim i socijalnim funkcionisanjem deteta. Pitanja su podeljena u četiri subtesta: sposobnosti deteta, lične karakteristike deteta, uticaj oštećenja vida na porodicu i teškoće u tretmanu. Upitnik je popunilo 46 roditelja (29 majki i 17 očeva) dece sa oštećenjem vida, uzrasta od tri do sedam godina. Većina dece je imala blaži stepen oštećenja vida (28; 60,9%), desetoro je slabovido (21,7%) i osmoro slepo (17,4%). Rezultati: U obradi dobijenih podataka korišćene su deskriptivne statističke mere: aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija, minimalne i maksimalne vrednosti. Značajnost razlika u postignućima na primenjenom upitniku, ispitana je primenom analize varijanse (ANOVA). Utvrđeno je da uzrast, oboljenje kao uzrok oštećenja vida i stepen oštećenja vida ne utiču značajno na kvalitet života ove dece i njihovih roditelja. Vreme nastanka oštećenja vida utiče na kvalitet života i obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti (p=0,027), kao i prisusutvo višestrukih smetnji (p=0,017). U porodicama gde majke nisu zaposlene roditelji značajno bolje procenjuju vizuelno funkcionisanje svoje dece (p=0,012). Zaključak: Procena razvoja i potreba porodice treba da prethodi procesu rane intervencije. Fokus treba da bude na porodicu, porodične brige i prioritete.sr
dc.description.abstractResearch subject: Visual impairment, along with social factors, can lead to developmental difculties and can slow down the acquisition of daily life skills. Due to loosing the picture of “a perfect child”, parents of children with visual impairment may lose self-confdence, which has a negative impact on the quality of family life. Method: Te aim of this paper was to determine the quality of life associated with visual impairment in children from three to seven years of age. Children’sVisual Function Questionnaire (CVFQ) was used in this research. Te questionnaire included questions related to the child’s vision and health, the infuence of visual state on the child’s activities, parent’s reactions to difculties related to the child’s visual and social functioning. Te questions were divided into four subtests: Competence, Personality, Family Impact and Treatment Difculty. Te questionnaire was completed by 46 parents (29 mothers and 17 fathers) of children with visual impairment from three to seven years of age. Most children had a mild form of visual impairment (28; 60.9%), ten had low vision (21.7%), and eight were blind (17.4%). Result: Descriptive statistics used in data processing were the following: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum score. Te signifcance of diferences in achievements on the applied questionnaire was tested by the analysis of variance (ANOVA). It was determined that age, causes of visual impairment, and the degree of the impairment did not have a signifcant infuence on the quality of life of these children and their parents. Time of onset of visual impairment had an impact on the quality of life and performing daily activities (p=0.027), as well as the presence of multiple disabilities (p=0.017). Unemployed mothers, compared to employed ones, signifcantly better evaluated visual functioning of their children (p=0.012). Conclusion: Te process of early intervention should be preceded by the evaluation of the child’s development and family needs. It should be focused on the family, family concerns and priorities.sr
dc.publisherUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Serbia / Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//sr
dc.sourceProceedings- Eurlyaid Conference 2017 „ Early Childhood Intervention: For meeting sustainable development goals of the new millennium “, Beograd, Srbija, 06–08. 10.2017.sr
dc.subjectvizuelno funckionisanjesr
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.subjectdete sa oštećenjem vidasr
dc.subjectvisual functioningsr
dc.subjectquality of lifesr
dc.subjectchild with visual impairmentsr
dc.titleKvalitet života povezan sa stanjem vida dece uzrasta od tri do sedam godinasr
dc.titleQuality of life associated with visual state of children from three to seven years of agesr



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