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Laterality and bioelectric brain activity as possible indicators of stuttering in children

dc.contributorVuković, Mile
dc.contributorŽunić Pavlović, Vesna
dc.contributorGrbović, Aleksandra
dc.contributorRadovanović, Vesna
dc.creatorOtašević, Jadranka
dc.description.abstractMucanje je funkcionalna disharmonija svesti, mišljenja, emocija i vrednosti koje se ispoljavaju kao zvučna disharmonija ritma i intenziteta. Ono kao poremećaj komunikacije direktno utiče na adaptivno ljudsko ponašanje. Pri ovom poremećaju komunikacije izmenjena je tačnost govora, njegov ritam, intenzitet, frekvencija, emocionalna boja a time i govor u celini. Prema najnovijim saznanjima postoji preko stotinu različitih teorija o nastanku mucanja što govori u prilog činjenici da ovo jeste jako složen problem. Do danas ne postoji usklađeno mišljenje o razlozima nastanka mucanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati mogući uticaj lateralizovanosti - uspostavljanja dominantne hemisfere i izmenjene bioelektrične aktivnosti mozga na pojavu mucanja kod dece. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 60-oro dece, uzrasta od 5 do 7 godina. Njih 30 su bila deca koja mucaju i oni su činili eksperimentalnu grupu, a 30-oro dece su bili fluentni govornici i oni su bili kontrolna grupa. Kao instrument je korišćen Test za procenu lateralizovanosti i elektroencefalografski nalaz (EEG). Auditivna lateralizovanost je bila lošija kod ispitanika koji mucaju (p = 0,003), a 40% ispitanika je imalo neizdiferenciranu auditivnu lateralizovanost. Gestualna lateralizovanost ruke ispitanika koji mucaju je značajno lošija (p = 0,002). Analizom Elektroencefalografskog nalaza, kod 31,8% ispitanika koji mucaju, uočene su specifične promene u EEG nalazu. Promene u električnoj aktivnosti mozga, kod 85,7% ispitanika koji mucaju, registrovane su bilateralno, a izolovano u desnoj hemisferi kod 14,3% ispitanika. Postoje izvesne promene u diferenciranju lateralizovanosti kod dece koja mucaju, a kod određenog broja ove dece se registruju i specifične promene u EEG nalazu.sr
dc.description.abstractStuttering is a functional disharmony of consciousness, thoughts, emotions and values which manifest sound disharmony of rhythm and intensity. As a disorder of communication, it directly affects adaptive human behavior. The accuracy of speech, its rhythm, intensity, frequency and emotional mark are changed, and thus the speech in its entirety. According to the latest findings there are over a hundred different theories about the origin of stuttering, which confirms the fact that this is a very complex problem. Until today there has been no consensus about the reasons of occurrence of stuttering. The aim of this research was to examine the possible influence of laterality as well as considerable influence of hemisphere dominance and specific brain activity on the occurrence of stuttering in children. Sixty children, aged 5 to 7, participated in this research. Thirty children suffered from stuttering and they were the experimental group, while thirty children were fluent speakers and they were the control group. Laterality assessment test was used as an instrument as well as electroencephalographic finding. Auditory laterality was considerably worse in the examinees who stuttered (p = 0.003), and 40% of examines had undifferentiated auditory laterality. Gestural hand-use laterality in the stuttering examinees was considerably worse (p = 0.002). By the analysis of electroencephalographic findings, the specific changes were noticed in EEG finding in 31.8% of the stuttering examinees. The changes in electrical brain activity in 85.7% of the stuttering examinees were registered bilaterally, while in 14.3% examinees they were isolated in the right hemisphere. There are certain changes in the differentiation of laterality in children who stutter, while in a certain number of these children specific changes in EEG finding have been registered as well.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 10. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 25–26. 10.2019.sr
dc.subjectEEG nalazsr
dc.subjectEEG findingsr
dc.titleLateralizovanost i bioelektrična aktivnost mozga kao mogući pokazatelji mucanja kod decesr
dc.titleLaterality and bioelectric brain activity as possible indicators of stuttering in childrensr



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