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Verbal and nonverbal aspects of executive functions in young school-aged children

dc.contributorVuković, Mile
dc.contributorŽunić Pavlović, Vesna
dc.contributorGrbović, Aleksandra
dc.contributorRadovanović, Vesna
dc.creatorBuha, Nataša
dc.creatorGligorović, Milica
dc.description.abstractKonstrukt egzekutivnih funkcija (EF) sadrži niz komponenata o čijoj međusobnoj povezanosti, naročito tokom detinjstva, postoje neusaglašeni stavovi. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrde komponente verbalnih i neverbalnih aspekata EF kod učenika III i IV razreda osnovne škole. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 114 dece, oba pola (59/51,8% devojčica), uzrasta 8,7 - 10,8 godina (AS = 9,80; SD = 0,57). Verbalni aspekti EF procenjeni su primenom: Dodrilove verzije Strup testa, zadacima Raspon rečenica i Raspon brojeva unazad, Testom kontrolisanih usmenih asocijacija i Testom 20 pitanja. Za procenu neverbalnih EF korišćeni su sledeći instrumenti: zadatak Kreni-stani, Izbaci uljeza, Raspon figura unazad, Viskonsin test sortiranja karata i test Londonska kula. Iako između pojedinih varijabli različitih testova/zadataka postoje značajne korelacije, one se kreću u nivou niskih, što ukazuje na diskriminativnu validnost odabranih procedura. Primenom eksplorativne faktorske analize, u domenu verbalnih aspekata EF izdvojene su tri komponente: formiranje strategije (faktorsko zasićenje 0,78), inhibitorna kontrola i radna memorija kao jedinstvena komponenta (faktorsko zasićenje 0,71) i fleksibilnost (faktorsko zasićenje 0,71), koje zajedno objašnjavaju oko 64% ukupne varijanse. U domenu neverbalnih aspekata EF izdvojene su četiri komponente, koje objašnjavaju oko 68% ukupne varijanse: fleksibilnost (faktorsko zasićenje 0,85), inhibitorna kontrola i radna memorija kao jedinstvena komponenta (faktorsko zasićenje 0,66), planiranje (faktorsko zasićenje 0,78) i inicijalna konceptualizacija i održavanje mentalnog seta kao jedinstvena komponenta (faktorsko zasićenje 0,79). Na osnovu rezultata faktorske analize, može se zaključiti da se na posmatranom uzrastu jasno diferenciraju fleksibilnost i sposobnost planiranja, dok su inhibitorna kontrola i radna memorija, koje su na starijim uzrastima relativno nezavisne, grupisane u jedinstven faktor.sr
dc.description.abstractThe construct of executive functions (EF) contains a number of components whose interrelation involves conflicting views, especially during childhood. The aim of this study was to determine components of verbal and nonverbal aspects of EF in children attending III and IV grade of primary school. The sample consisted of 114 children of both sexes (59/51.8% of girls), aged between 8.8 and 10.8 (M = 9.80; SD = 0.57). Verbal aspects of EF were assessed by applying the Dodrill’ Stroop Test, Listening Span Task and Digit SpanBackward, Controlled Oral Word Association Test, and 20 Questions Task. Nonverbal aspects of EF were assessed by applying the Go/No-Go Task, Odd-one-out span and Figure Span Backward, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, and Tower of London. Although significant relations between the variables of different tests/tasks were determined, these correlations were in the low range, which demonstrates discriminant validity of the selected procedures. Using the Exploratory Factor Analysis, in the domain of verbal aspects of the EF, three components were identified: strategy forming (factor saturation of 0.78), inhibitory control and working memory as a single component (factor saturation of 0.71) and flexibility (factor saturation of 0.71) which all together explain about 64% of the total variance. In the nonverbal EF domain, four components were identified, which explain about 68% of the total variance: (factor saturation of 0.85), inhibitory control and working memory as a single component (factor saturation of 0.66), planning (factor saturation of 0.78), and initial conceptualization and maintenance of the mental set as a unique component (factor saturation of 0.79). Based on the results of factor analysis, it can be concluded that flexibility and planning ability are clearly differentiated at the observed age, while inhibitory control and working memory, which are relatively independent at older ages, are grouped into a single factor.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 10. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 25–26. 10.2019.sr
dc.subjectegzekutivne funkcijesr
dc.subjectmlađi školski uzrastsr
dc.subjectinhibitorna kontrolasr
dc.subjectradna memorijasr
dc.subjectexecutive functionssr
dc.subjectyoung school-aged childrensr
dc.subjectinhibitory controlsr
dc.subjectworking memorysr
dc.titleVerbalni i neverbalni aspekti egzekutivnih funkcija kod dece mlađeg školskog uzrastasr
dc.titleVerbal and nonverbal aspects of executive functions in young school-aged childrensr



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