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Performance of typically developing children on the wisconsin card sorting test

dc.creatorBuha, Nataša
dc.creatorGligorović, Milica
dc.description.abstractUvod: Viskonsin test sortiranja karata predstavlja jedan od najpoznatijih i najčešće korišćenih instrumenata za procenu egzekutivnih funkcija. Reč je o kompleksnom zadatku budući da je prethodnim faktorskim analizama ustanovljeno da procenjuje kognitivnu fleksibilnost, testiranje hipoteze/ rešavanje problema i sposobnost održavanja mentalnog seta, te kao takav ima značajno mesto u proceni sposobnosti dece sa neurorazvojnim poremećajima. Cilj: Cilj ovog preliminarnog istraživanja je da se na uzorku dece tipičnog razvoja, uzrasta 9 i 10 godina, proveri teza o kulturološkoj nezavisnosti Viskonsin testa sortiranja karata. Metod: Uzorkom su obuhvaćeni učenici dve beogradske osnovne škole (N=104), oba pola (49% devojčica i 51% dečaka), koji pohađaju treći (43,3%) i četvrti razred (56,7%). Test je primenjen na standardan način, a skorovanje je izvršeno rukovodeći se originalnim uputstvima iz priručnika. Ukupno je analizirano devet skorova. Rezultati: Na osnovu deskriptivne analize i poređenjem rezultata sa originalnim (američkim) normama, utvrđeno je da naši ispitanici ostvaruju lošije postignuće na gotovo svim varijablama, pri čemu su razlike izraženije kod starijih ispitanika (uzrast od 10 godina). Kod devetogodišnjaka, najizraženija razlika je u domenu inicijalne konceptualizacije (20,08 vs. 14,47), dok su izraženije razlike kod desetogodišnjaka rasprostranjenije, i obuhvataju broj sortiranih kategorija (4,98 vs. 5,71) i prekinutih setova (1,27 vs. 0,55), ukupan broj potrošenih karata do završetka zadatka (111,61 vs. 98,41), te procenat grešaka (30,65 vs. 23,97) i konceptualnih odgovora (61,43 vs. 70,41). Postignuće naših desetogodišnjaka više odgovara uzrastu od devet godina normativnog uzorka. Zaključak: Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost nešto drugačije dinamike razvoja sposobnosti obuhvaćenih Viskonsin testom sortiranja karata u populaciji dece iz Srbije i potrebu za normiranjem testa utvrđivanjem potencijalnih kulturoloških činilaca postignuća, kako bi njegova primena u kliničkoj praksi bila pouzdanija.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is one of the most well- known and commonly used instruments for assessing executive functions. It is a complex task since previous factor analysis studies have revealed that this test assesses cognitive flexibility, hypothesis testing/problem solving and the ability to maintain a mental set, and as such has a significant place in assessing the abilities of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Aim: The aim of this preliminarily research is to test the thesis that Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is culture-free, on a sample of children of typical development, aged 9 and 10. Method: The sample included students from two Belgrade primary schools (N=104), of both genders (49% girls and 51% boys), who attended the third (43.3%) and fourth grade (56.7%). The test was applied in the standard way, and the scoring was performed following the original instructions from the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Manual. A total of nine scores were analyzed. Results: On the basis of descriptive analysis and comparing the results with the original (American) norms, it was determined that our participants performed worse on almost all variables, with differences being more pronounced in older participants (10 years of age). In nine- year-olds, the most pronounced difference was in the domain of initial conceptualization (20.08 vs. 14.47), while more pronounced differences in ten-year-olds were more widespread, and included the Number of completed categories (4.98 vs. 5.71) and Failure to maintain set (1.27 vs. 0.55), the Total number of trials administered (111.61 vs. 98.41), and the Percent of errors (30.65 vs. 23.97) and Conceptual level responses (61.43 vs. 70.41). The achievement of our ten-year-olds was more in line with nine years of age of the normative sample. Conclusion: The obtained results indicate the possibility of slightly different developmental trend of abilities assessed by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in the population of children from Serbia and the need to standardize the test by determining potential cultural factors of achievement, so that its application in clinical practice would be more reliable.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju / University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik rezimea 11. Međunarodni naučni skup Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas Beograd, 29–30. oktobar 2021. godinesr
dc.subjectViskonsin test sortiranja karatasr
dc.subjectdečji uzrastsr
dc.subjecttipičan razvojsr
dc.subjectWisconsin card sorting testsr
dc.subjecttypical developmentsr
dc.titlePostignuće dece tipičnog razvoja na viskonsin testu sortiranja karatasr
dc.titlePerformance of typically developing children on the wisconsin card sorting testsr



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