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Influence of environment on social participation Of children with cerebral palsy

dc.creatorBani Odeh, Deeb Mahmoud Ahmed
dc.description.abstractSocijalna participacija predstavlja učešće osoba u svim aspektima života, odnosno ona je prediktor adekvatnog razvoja i od ključnog je zna- čaja za kvalitet života osoba sa invaliditetom. Nivo socijalne parti- cipacije osoba sa invaliditetom direktno zavisi od individualnih ka- rakteristika (onih koje se odnose na samu osobu), sredinskih determinan- ti (faktori socio – kulturnog okruženja) kao i njihovog uzajamnog odnosa. Da bi se obuhvatio proces socijalne participacije potrebno je sagledati uticaj sredinskih faktora na ostvarivanje socijalne participacije, kao i sve posledice koje proizilaze iz interakcije između ličnih i sredinskih faktora. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bi da se proceni koliki je uticaj okoline na socijalnu participaciju dece sa cerebralnom paralizom. Uzorak istraži- vanja je formiran od 40 dece sa cerebralnom paralizom školskog uzrasta, oba pola. Istraživanje je realizovano u Centru za edukaciju dece sa specijal- nim potrebama „Shafallah“ Doha, Katar, u periodu od 2006. do 2009. godine. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja korišćena je skalu ICF Checklist, klinički ob- lik za Internacionalnu klasifikaciju funkcionisanja, verzija 2.1.a (ICF Checklist World Health Organization, September 2003), i to deo skale koji se odnosi na faktore okoline. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da okolina, stavovi i brojne barijere predstavljaju dodatni faktor ograničenja u funkcionisanju dece sa cere- bralnom paralizom, što dodatno utiče da budu stalno ili povremeno is- ključena iz socijalne sredine.sr
dc.description.abstractSocial participation is the participation of people in all aspects of life, respectively that it is an adequate predictor of the development and it is crucial for the quality of life for people with disabilities. The social participation of people with disabilities directly related to the individual characteristics (those that relate to the person himself), environmental determinants (factors of socio – cultural environment) and their mutual relations. To cover the process of social participation is necessary to consider influence of environmental factors on achieving social participation and the consequences arising out of interaction between personal and environmental factors. The aim of this study was to assess the environmental impact on the social participation of children with cerebral palsy. The study sample was formed by 40 school children with cerebral palsy, both sexes. The research was conducted at the Center for Education of Children with Special Needs "Shafallah" Doha, Qatar, in the period since 2006. by 2009. year. For the purpose of this research was used scale ICF Checklist, a clinical form of the international classification of functioning, version 2.1.a ( ICF Checklist World Health Organization, September 2003), and it’s part of the scale which is related to environmental factors. The results show that the environment, attitudes and many barriers limiting factor in the functioning of children with cerebral palsy, which further affects to be permanently or temporarily excluded from the social environment.sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectsocijalna participacijasr
dc.subjectcerebralna paralizasr
dc.subjectsredinski faktorisr
dc.subjectsocial participationsr
dc.subjectcerebral palsysr
dc.subjectenvironmental factorsr
dc.titleUticaj okoline na socijalnu participaciju Dece sa cerebralnom paralizomsr
dc.titleInfluence of environment on social participation Of children with cerebral palsysr



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