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Characteristics of the educational status of juvenile delinquents

dc.creatorMaljković, Marija
dc.creatorRadovanović, Ivana
dc.description.abstractUvod: Na osnovu istraživanja o uticaju delinkvencije na školovanje, uočava se da značajan broj maloletnih delinkvenata ima višestruke probleme tokom školovanja ili ne pohađa nastavu. Sa druge strane, uključivanje u pravosudni sistem zbog delinkventnog ponašanja remeti proces obrazovanja, od slabljenja školskog postignuća, do napuštanja školovanja u najtežim slučajevima. Cilj: Cilj rada je sagledavanje obrazovnog statusa maloletnih delinkvenata. Metod: Analiza pravosudne statistike o registrovanom kriminalitetu maloletnika u Republici Srbiji u periodu od 2012-2019. godine. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da oko 40% maloletnika (od 38,8% 2012. do 41,6% 2019.) u trenutku izvršenja krivičnog dela i oko 41,5% (od 47,3% 2012. do 35,5% 2019. godine) maloletnika u trenutku izricanja presude, nije bilo uključeno u obrazovni sistem ili te informacije nisu bile poznate. Iako tokom krivičnog postupka očekivano raste količina informacija o obrazovnom statusu maloletnika, sa druge strane uočava se povećanje broja maloletnika koji do izricanja krivične sankcije ostaju van obrazovnog procesa. Imajući u vidu prosečno trajanje krivičnog postupka prema maloletnicima, uočava se da oni neretko i po nekoliko meseci ostaju isključeni iz obrazovnog procesa. Dalje, uočava se da, iako broj maloletnika kojima je izrečena krivična sankcija, posebno u tri poslednje posmatrane godine (2017, 2018. i 2019.) opada, istovremeno se beleži porast broja maloletnika koji su van obrazovnog procesa. Zaključak: U radu sa maloletnim delinkventima, kao dragocena, prepoznaje se saradnja između pravosudnog i obrazovnog sistema u krivičnim postupcima protiv maloletnika, kao i unapređivanje školske klime, neformalnog obrazovanja maloletnih delinkvenata, programa mentorstva, popravljanja odnosa sa nastavnicima i drugim akterima obrazovanja i vaspitanja. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, nameće se zaključak da bi trebalo uložiti napor svih aktera od interesa (od škole, preko porodice, do pravosuđa), kako ne bi došlo do prekida školovanja odnosno isključivanja maloletnika iz obrazovnog
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Based on research on the impact of delinquency on schooling, it is noticed that a significant number of juvenile delinquents have multiple problems during schooling or do not attend classes. On the other hand, inclusion in the judicial system due to delinquent behavior disrupts the education process, from the weakening of school achievement to dropping out of school in the most difficult cases. Aim: This paper’s aim is to consider the educational status of juvenile delinquents. Method: Analysis of judicial statistics on registered juvenile delinquency in the Republic of Serbia in the period from 2012-2019. years. Results: The research results show that around 40% of juveniles were not included in the education system when the criminal act was committed (from 38.8% in 2012 to 41.6% in 2019) and around 41.5% (from 47.3% 2012 to 35.5% 2019 year) when sanctions were imposed, or such information was not known. Although, as to be expected, the amount of available information on a juvenile’s educational status increases during criminal proceedings, on the other hand, there is also a significant increase in the number of juveniles who, until the imposing of criminal sanctions, remain outside the education process. Considering the average length of criminal proceedings against juveniles, it is noticeable that young offenders often remain excluded from the education system for several months. Further, it can be seen that although the number of juveniles against whom criminal sanctions were imposed, particularly in the last three monitored years (2017, 2018, and 2019), is on the decline, at the same time there is an increase in the number ofjuveniles who remain outside the education process. Conclusion: In work with juvenile delinquents are all recognized as invaluable cooperation between the judiciary and the education system in criminal proceedings against juveniles, the improvement of the school climate, the informal education of juvenile delinquents, mentorship programs, and the improvement of relations with teachers and other actors in education and upbringing. Based on the research results, the conclusion drawn is that efforts should be made by all the main actors (from schools, through the family, to the judiciary) to prevent the interruption of schooling, i.e. the exclusion ofjuveniles from the education
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju / University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik rezimea – 11. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 29–
dc.subjectmaloletni delinkventisr
dc.subjectobrazovni statussr
dc.subjectprekid školovanjasr
dc.subjectnapuštanje školovanjasr
dc.subjectjuvenile delinquentssr
dc.subjecteducational statussr
dc.subjecttermination of schoolingsr
dc.subjectdropping out of schoolsr
dc.titleKarakteristike obrazovnog statusa maloletnih delinkvenatasr
dc.titleCharacteristics of the educational status of juvenile delinquentssr

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