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The partnership between family and school as a factor of promotion of prosocial and prevention of problem behaviors in students

dc.creatorJelić, Marija
dc.creatorStojković, Irena
dc.description.abstractUvod: O saradnji porodice i vaspitno-obrazovne ustanove može se govoriti uopšteno, ili pak konkretnije, s obzirom na to u kojoj meri saradnja porodice i škole može doprineti podsticanju prosocijalnog i prevenciji neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja učenika. Empirijska istraživanja na ovu temu u našoj sredini su malobrojna, što ukazuje da je ova oblast nedovoljno istražena i da ne prati savremene potrebe vaspitne prakse. Pitanje saradnje porodice i škole je posebno značajno kada svakodnevno dolazimo do poražavajućih informacija o prisutnosti negativnih oblika ponašanja kod dece i mladih (nasilje, zlostavljanje, zloupotreba psihoaktivnih supstaci ...), a na koje škola, porodica, kao ni šira društvena zajednica, ne uspevaju da pruže adekvatan vaspitni odgovor. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je da ukažemo na mogućnosti i efekte saradnje roditelja i nastavnika u podsticanju prosocijalnog i prevenciji neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja učenika. Metod: Pregled i analiza teorijskih i empirijskih saznanja u oblasti saradnje porodice i škole i njenoj ulozi u podsticanju prosocijalnog i prevenciji neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja učenika. Rezultati: Polazeći od modela saradnje porodice i škole koji predlaže Epštajnova, kritički su razmotrena različita područja, oblici i sadržaji saradnje kroz koje jedinstvenim delovanjem porodica i škola mogu doprineti podsticanju prosocijalnog i prevenciji neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja učenika. Zaključak: U zaključku je ukazano na preduslove koje je potrebno obezbediti za mogućnost uspešne saradnje porodice i škole, a samim tim i pozitivnih efekata na ponašanje učenika.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: An important question regarding the partnership between a family and an educational institution is the extent to which it can contribute to promotion of prosocial and prevention of problem behaviors in students. There is a small number of studies on this topic in our society, which indicates that research does not follow the actual needs of educational practice in our country. The issue of partnership between family and school is especially important when we daily receive devastating information about the presence of negative behaviors in children and youth (violence, abuse, abuse of psychoactive substances ...), to which the school, family and the wider community do not manage to provide an adequate educational response. Aim: The aim of this paper is to point out the possibilities and effects of partnership between parents and teachers in encouraging prosocial and prevention of problem behaviors in students. Method: A narrative review of theoretical and empirical research on the role of family-school partnership in promotion of prosocial and prevention of problem behaviors in primary- and secondary school students. Results: Following the model of family and school partnership proposed by Epstein, a critical analysis of research on various domains, forms and contents of cooperation between family and school is provided. The reviewed studies show that a conjoint action of family and school may contribute to the development of prosocial behavior and prevention of problem behaviors in students. Conclusion: In the conclusion, the preconditions that need to be provided for the possibility of successful partnership between the family and the school, and thus the positive effects on the behavior of students, are pointed out.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju / University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik rezimea – 11. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 29–30.10.2021.sr
dc.subjectsaradnja porodice i školesr
dc.subjectprosocijalno ponašanjesr
dc.subjectneprihvatljivi oblici ponašanjasr
dc.subjectpartnership between family and schoolsr
dc.subjectprosocial behaviorsr
dc.subjectproblem behaviorssr
dc.titleSaradnja porodice i škole kao faktor podsticanja prosocijalnog i prevencije neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja učenikasr
dc.titleThe partnership between family and school as a factor of promotion of prosocial and prevention of problem behaviors in studentssr



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