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Communication and cooperation between Family and school

dc.description.abstractKomunikacija je osnov odnosa škole i porodice. Način na koji se ona odvija najčešće definiše i odnos roditelja prema kolektivu škole, što se reflektuje i na odnos deteta prema učitelju ili nastavniku, pa i prema školi uopšte. Zbog toga je izuzetno važno da i roditelji i zaposleni u školama u međusobnoj komunikaciji moraju biti svesni značaja uspešne komunikacije i razvijanja dobrih međusobnih odnosa, jer je to prevashodno u interesu dece i njihovog pravilnog socijalnog razvoja. Cilj ovog rada je da se, pregledom literature izdvoje studije koje su u svoj istraživački fokus postavile na komunikaciju i saradnju porodice i škole, kao i da se sistematizuju saznanja iz ovog područja što bi rezultiralo kreiranjem smernica za praktičan rad za što lakšu i kvalitetniju komunikaciju i saradnju porodice i škole. Osnovna pretraga obavljena je preko pretraživača Google Scholar – Brief Search. Pri ovom pregledu korišćen je servis Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku – KOBSON preko koga je izvršena pretraga baza. Pretraživanje je obuhvatalo radove objavljene u periodu 2000. godine do 2013. godine. Pored toga, korišćeni su i ranije prikupljeni radovi na srpskom, hrvatskom,makedonskom, engleskom i slovenačkom jeziku koji su kao predmet svog istraživanja imali komunikaciju i saradnju roditelja i škole. Pregled je obuhvatao veliki broj studija ali je 13 od njih iskorišćeno za ovaj rad. Istraživanje je vršeno tokom februara i marta 2014. godine.Ostvarivanje uspešne komunikacije i kontinuirane saradnje porodice i škole vidi se kao jedan od osnovnih uslova kvalitetnijeg obrazovanja i samog društva i zbog toga ih je neophodno unapređivati .sr
dc.description.abstractCommunication is the basis of relations between schools and families. The manner in which it occurred most often defined and attitude of parents towards . The school, which is reflected in the relationship of the child to the teacher , as well as to the school at all. Therefore, it is extremely important that parents and the school staff in communication must be aware of the importance of effective communication and the development of good relationships, because it is primarily in the interest of children and their proper social development. The aim of this paper is to, review of the literature allocate the studies in their research focus set on the communication and cooperation between family and school, and to systematise knowledge in this area, which would result in the creation of guidelines for the practical work for you easier and better communication and cooperation between family and school. Basic search was conducted through search Google Scholar - Brief Search. In this review we used the services of Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition – KOBSON through which were performed base. Search included papers published between 2000th until 2013.. In addition, we used previously collected works of the Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, English and Slovenian, who, as the subject of his research have communication and cooperation between parents and schools. Summary included a large number of studies, but 13 of them used for this work. The survey was conducted during February and March of 2014. Achieving effective communication and ongoing cooperation between the family and the school is seen as one of the basic conditions for quality education and society itself, and therefore it is necessary to improve.sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectschool, familysr
dc.titleKomunikacija i saradnja između porodice i školesr
dc.titleCommunication and cooperation between Family and schoolsr



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