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Role of physical education and sport In deaf integration process

dc.creatorObradović, Vaso
dc.description.abstractSport kao sastavni deo rehabilitacije gluvih i nagluvih tre- ba da postane društveno priznata i cenjena metoda profesionalne rehabilitacije ovih lica. Kao što je vidljivo iz iznetog, fizičko vaspitanje, sport i sportska rekreacija imaju značajnu ulogu u celokupnom proce- su rehabilitacije gluvih osoba, a takođe i u periodu njihove kasnije socijalno adaptacije i integracije u čujuću sredinu. Fizičko vaspitanje je potrebno sistematski sprovoditi kod glu- ve dece još u roditeljskom domu i u predškolskim ustanovama. Ovaj za- datak je još naglašeniji u periodu osnovnoškolskog i srednjoškolskog procesa, ali i u zrelim godinama gluvih ljudi, kroz sportsko-rekreativ- ne aktivnosti. Sport ima vrlo značajnu ulogu za pozitivnu socijalnu adaptaciju gluvih, kako na radnom mestu, tako i u lokalnoj čujućoj sredini. Dosadašnja iskustva Saveza gluvih i nagluvih Jugoslavije i Srbije na razvijanju sporta među svojim članovima nedvosmisleno potvrđuju da se kroz sport slušno hendikepiranom daje izvanredna kompenzacija u cilju njegovog aktivnog i stvaralačkog rada na radnom mestu, utiče se na njegovo fizičko i psihičko zdravlje a samim tim doprinosi da lakše rešava svoje svakodnevne probleme i kao takav prolazi kroz život, ne stvarajući ni sebi ni društvu teškoće koji bi se, nesumnjivo, u nedo- statku sporta i rekreacije pojavljivale. Proces rehabilitacije gluvih putem sporta treba da se nastavi, u okviru jedinstvene akcije Sportskog saveza gluvih Srbije, Saveza za sport i rekreaciju invalida i na međunarodnom nivou.sr
dc.description.abstractSport as an integral part of rehabilitation of the deaf and hard of hearing should become a socially recognized and respected method of professional rehabilitation of these persons. As seen from above, physical education, sport and recreation have a significant part in the entire process of rehabilitation of deaf people, as well as in the period of their later social adaptation and integration in the hearing environment. It is neccessary to sistematically conduct physical education with deaf children at an early age at home and in preschool. This task is even more emphasized in the period of primary and secondary school, but also in mature age of deaf people, through sports and recreational activities. Sport has a very important role in positive social adaptation of the deaf, both at the workplace and in the hearing environment. Previous experience of Association of the Deaf and Hard of hearing of Yugoslavia and Serbia in sport development among their members unambiguously confirms that through sport hearing disabled person is given a remarkable compensation in the purpose of his active and creative role in the workplace, his physical and mental health is affected, and therefore everyday problems are better resolved. Therefore, he is not creating himself neither the society difficulties which would, undoubtedly, appear in the absence of sport and recreation. Rehabilitation process of deaf through sport should be continued within the united activities of the Sporting Association of Deaf of Serbia, Sport and Recreation Association of Disabled persons as well as on the international level.sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectfizička kulturasr
dc.subjectgluve osobesr
dc.subjectphysical educationsr
dc.titleUloga fizičke kulture i sporta u procesu Integracije gluvih osobasr
dc.titleRole of physical education and sport In deaf integration processsr



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