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English as a foreign language For deaf and hearing impaired pupils

dc.creatorUrdarević, Iva
dc.description.abstractU svetu u kome živimo, a koji se karakteriše velikim napretkom teh- nike i tehnologije, povećanom mogućnošću za putovanja i komunikaciju sa ljudima iz drugih zemalja, sve je više izražena potreba za poznavanjem makar jednog stranog jezika. Engleski jezik je danas postao savremeni jezik međuna- rodne komunikacije, pa se zato engleski jezik najčešće uči kao strani jezik, u zemljama u kojima to nije službeni govorni jezik. Čak i kada se nastava stranog jezika sagledava kao važan segment i oba- vezna komponenta obrazovnog programa, učenici oštećenog sluha nemaju uvek mogućnost da prisustvuju i učestvuju u nastavi stranog jezika. Do skora, slu- šno oštećeni učenici su najčešće smatrani nesposobnim za učenje stranog jezika i stoga su uglavnom bili oslobođeni obaveze pohađanja nastave stranog jezika, čak i u redovnom sistemu obrazovanja. Pošto gluvi i nagluvi učenici, često, imaju poteškoće i sa učenjem govornog jezika zemlje u kojoj žive, sma- tralo se da gluvi ne mogu da nauče i usvoje sistem drugog, tj. stranog jezika Danas učenje i predavanje stranih jezika gluvim i nagluvim učenicima postaje sve češća praksa u Evropi i svetu. Gluvi i nagluvi učenici se često upisuju u redovne škole, ili nastavljaju školovanje na redovnim višim ško- lama i univerzitetima, gde je jedan od nastavnih predmeta i strani jezik. Specijalne škole za gluvu i nagluvu decu, takođe, uvode strani jezik u svoje nastavne planove i programe, jer je prepoznato da učenje stranih jezika mo- že da pruži brojne nove mogućnosti gluvoj i nagluvoj populaciji. U nastavi engleskog kao stranog jezika za gluve i nagluve učenike problem predstavljala činjenica da se metode koje se koriste u nastavi stranih jezika najčešće po tipu auditorno/oralne, što predstavlja dodatnu poteškoću za gluve i nagluve učenike. Nastava stranog jezika za gluve i nagluve učenike pokreće brojna pitanja, poput obuke nastavnika koji predaju strani jezik učenici- ma oštećenog sluha, mogućnosti da se predvide ishodi nastave i postave od- govarajući obrazovni standardi, kao i pitanje izbora adkevatnog udžbenika i propratne literature. Ovaj rad je nastao pregledom relevantne literature i na osnovu ličnog profesionalnog iskustva u nastavi engleskog jezika u Školi za oštećene slu- hom – nagluve „Stefan Dečanski“ u Beogradu, koja je prva specijalna škola za učenike oštećenog sluha u Srbiji koja je uvela engleski jezik kao nastavni predmet u obrazovanje za gluve i nagluve učenike, prvo na određenim obrazovnim profilima u srednjoj školi, a potom i u nastavu u osnovnoj š
dc.description.abstractWe live in a world which is characterized by great advances of technology and an increased ability to travel and communicate with people from other countries, thus knowing and using of at least one foreign language becomes a necessity. The English language has become a modern language of international communication, which is why it is the most often taught as a foreign language in countries where it is not the official spoken language. Even when we recognise that teaching a foreign language is as an important segment and a mandatory component of the curriculum, students with hearing impairment do not always have the opportunity to attend and participate in the foreign languages classes. Until recently, hearing impaired pupils were considered to be incapable of learning a foreign language and, therefore, in many cases they were exempted from school attendance of foreign language clases, even in the mainstream education system. Since deaf and hearing impaired pupils often have difficulties with learning and speaking of the language of the country they live in, it was thought that the deaf cannot learn and adopt another language system, ie. foreign language Today, learning and teaching of foreign languages to deaf and hearing impaired pupils is becoming increasingly common practice in Europe and the world in general. Deaf and hearing impaired pupils are often enrolled in regular schools, or they continue their education in mainstream colleges and universities, where one of the subjects taught is a a foreign language. Special schools for deaf and hearing impaired pupils also introduce a foreign language in their curricula, as it is recognized that learning of another language can provide significant opportunities for deaf and hearing impaired population. In teaching English as a foreign language for the deaf and hearing impaired pupils one of the problems was the fact that the methods used in teaching foreign languages are usually of auditory/oral type, which represents an additional difficulty for deaf and hearing impaired pupils. Teaching a foreign language for deaf and hearing imapired pupils raises a number of issues, such as training for teachers of foreign language , posibillity to predict the outcomes of teaching and to set appropriate educational standards, as well as a matter of choosing adequate textbooks and accompanying literature. This paper present a combination of a review of the relevant literature and personal professional experience in teaching English language in School for hearing impaired pupils „Stefan Decanski“ in Belgrade, the first special school for hearing impaired pupils in Serbia that has introduced English as a subject in the education of deaf and hearing impaired pupils, first at high school, and after in primary
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectengleski jeziksr
dc.subjectstrani jeziksr
dc.subjectgluvi i nagluvi učenicisr
dc.subjectnastavni plan i programsr
dc.subjectredovni sistem obrazovanjasr
dc.subjectspecijalno obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectEnglish languagesr
dc.subjectforeign languagesr
dc.subjectdeaf and hearing impaired pupilssr
dc.subjectmainstream education systemsr
dc.subjectspecial educationsr
dc.titleEngleski kao strani jezik za gluve I nagluve učenikesr
dc.titleEnglish as a foreign language For deaf and hearing impaired pupilssr

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