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Research aggressive behavior children and youth in Serbia from the point of researchers: implications For further research

dc.creatorĐurišić, Maša
dc.description.abstractIstraživanjem problema agresivnog ponašanja dece i mladih stiču se nova saznanja koja mogu doprineti uspešnoj prevenciji ovog ponašanja i ublažavanju eventualnih posledica. U društvu u kome živimo agresivno ponašanje je veoma rasprostranjeno. Porast agresivnog ponašanja je veoma vidljiv i u školama. Upravo su nas ti razlozi usmerili na proučavanje ovog problema. Cilj ovog rada je da se, pregledom literature izdvoje radovi koji su u svoj istraživački fokus postavili agresivno ponašanje dece i mladih, kao i da se sistematizuju saznanja iz ovog područja što bi rezultiralo kreiranjem smernica za praktičan rad. Pri ovom pregledu korišćen je servis Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku – KOBSON preko koga je izvršena pretraga baza radova. Pretraživanje je obuhvatalo radove objavljene u periodu 2000. godine do 2015. godine. Pregled je obuhvatao veliki broj radova, ali je 48 od njih iskorišćeno za ovaj rad. Reč je o kvalitativnom istraživanju u kome je korišćen postupak analize sadržaja. Zabrinutost zbog agresivnog ponašanja pojačava zahteve da se problem objasni i da se preduzmu određene mere kako bi se rešio. Zbog toga je neophodno da se u svim školama sprovedu različiti programi i projekti čiji su ciljevi učenje nenasilne komunikacije, smanjenje nasilja u školama kao i aktivizacija dece i mladih. Prema tome, agresivno ponašanje može da se suzbije otklanjanjem onoga sto ga podstiče i menjanjem motiva koji ga
dc.description.abstractThe research problems of aggressive behavior in children and young people acquire new knowledge that can contribute to the successful prevention of this behavior and mitigation of the consequences. In the society we live in aggressive behavior is widespread. The increase in aggressive behavior is very visible in schools. We just got these reasons focused on the study of this problem. The aim of this study is that, aside literature review papers in his research focus set aggressive behavior in children and youth, and to systematize knowledge in this field which would result in the creation of guidelines for practical work. In this review we used the services of Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition – KOBSON through whom he made search base papers. Search included articles published in the period 2000 to 2015. View included a number of papers, but 48 of them used for this work. It is a qualitative research in which the procedure has been used content analysis. Concerns about aggressive behavior reinforces the requirement to explain the problem and to take measures to resolve. It is therefore necessary that all schools implement various programs and projects whose objectives are teaching non-violent communication, reducing violence in schools as well as the activation of children and youth. Thus, aggressive behavior can suppress the elimination of what it promotes and changing the motives that cause
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectagresivno ponašanjesr
dc.subjectistraživanja, problemisr
dc.subjectaggressive behaviorsr
dc.subjectresearch, problemssr
dc.titleIstraživanja agresivnog ponašanja dece i mladih u Srbiji iz ugla istraživača: implikacije za buduća istraživanjasr
dc.titleResearch aggressive behavior children and youth in Serbia from the point of researchers: implications For further researchsr



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