Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Reproductive health of young people in serbia — analysis With recommendations

dc.creatorMilošević, Jasmina
dc.description.abstractU savremenim uslovima poljuljanih društvenih odnosa broj mladih sa različitim oblicima rizičnog ponašanja, naročito u oblasti reproduktivnog zdravlja je u ekspanziji. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja značajno su uticali na potpunije razumevanje seksualnog ponašanja mladih. Cilj rada je da se pregledom i analizom literature utvrdi stanje u oblasti reproduktivnog zdravlja mladih u Srbiji i steknu saznanja koja mogu biti relevantna za kreiranje i primenu odgovarajućih programa seksualne edukacije. U ovom kvalitativnom istraživanju korišćen je postupak analize sadržaja, a kao polazna osnova je poslužilo poređenje podataka prikupljenih u dva nacionalna istraživanja. Pretraživanje je obuhvatilo radove objavljene u periodu od 1997. do 2017. godine. Kao rezultat ovog preglednog rada može se zaključiti da je, zbog konstantnog povećanja broja mladih čije je reproduktivno zdravlje ugroženo, potrebno objasniti ovaj javno-zdravstveni problem i preduzeti adekvatne preventivne mere. U odabiru i planiranju neophodnih mera i aktivnosti za promociju, očuvanje i unapređenje seksualnog i reproduktivnog zdravlja mladih, potrebno je obezbediti najviši mogući standard zdravlja kroz stručnu informisanost i savremenu kontraceptivnu zaštitu. Važno je naglasiti potrebu za holističkim pristupom u intenzivnijem sprovođenju sveobuhvatne edukacije iz oblasti reproduktivnog zdravlja među mladima u Srbijii, angažovanje stručnjaka iz različitih oblasti koji će obezbediti preciznije podatke i omogućiti izradu i implementaciju konkretnih programa, kao i aktivnu participaciju mladih u zdravim partnerskim odnosima i bezbednom seksualnom ponaš
dc.description.abstractIn contemporary conditions of shattered social relations, the number of young people with different forms of risky behavior, especially in the field of reproductive health, is in the expansion. The results of previous research significantly contributed to a more complete understanding of the sexual behavior of young people. The aim of the paper is to review the situation in the field of reproductive health of young people in Serbia and to obtain information that can be relevant for the creation and implementation of appropriate sexual education programs. In this qualitative research, the content analysis process was used, and the starting point was the comparison of data collected in two national surveys. The analysis included works published between 1997 and 2017. As a result of this overview, it can be concluded that due to the constant increase in the number of young people whose reproductive health is endangered, it is necessary to explain this public health problem and to take adequate preventive measures. In the selection and planning of necessary measures and activities for the promotion, preservation and promotion of sexual and reproductive health of young people, it is necessary to provide the highest possible standard of health through professional information and modern contraceptive care. It is important to emphasize the need for a holistic approach in more intensive implementation of comprehensive education in the field of reproductive health among young people in Serbia, engaging experts from different fields that will provide more precise data and enable the development and implementation of specific programs, as well as active participation of young people in healthy partnership relations and safe sexual
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectpromocija zdravljasr
dc.subjectrizično seksualno ponašanjesr
dc.subjecthealth promotionsr
dc.subjectrisky sexual behaviorsr
dc.titleReproduktivno zdravlje mladih u Srbiji – analiza stanja sa preporukamasr
dc.titleReproductive health of young people in serbia — analysis With recommendationssr



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