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Quality of students writing in regard to the literacy phase

dc.creatorVujanović, Marina
dc.creatorIlić Stošović, Danijela
dc.description.abstractUvod: Pisanje je kompleksan proces na koji utiče niz subjektivnih i objektivnih faktora. Veštinama pisanja deca ovladavaju u mlađim razredima osnovne škole. U prvom i drugom razredu ovladavaju činom pisanja i uglavnom su usredsređena na reprodukovanje grafomotornog niza (kaligrafska faza), a tokom trećeg i četvrtog razreda dolazi do individualizacije rukopisa. Cilj: Cilj ove studije jeste da se utvrdi da li postoji povezanost između faze opismenjavanja i kvaliteta pisanja učenika koji tek ovladavaju činom pisanja i onih učenika koji su pisanjem već ovladali. Metod: Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2016. godine u osam beogradskih osnovnih škola, na uzorku od 1,156 učenika prvog ciklusa osnovnog obrazovanja i vaspitanja, 603 učenika prvog i drugog razreda i 553 učenika trećeg i četvrtog razreda. Za procenu brzine pisanja i čitljivosti napisanog teksta korišćen je Protokol za procenu sposobnosti pisanja (The McMaster Handwriting Assessment Protocol – 2nd edition). Rezultati: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da postoji statistički značajna razlika u brzini pisanja (p=0,000) među učenicima koji se nalaze u početnoj fazi opismenjavanja i učenika koji su pisanjem već ovladali. Međutim, uočava se da se broj učenika čija je brzina pisanja ispod norme definisane za svaki razred, a koja ukazuje na postojanje teškoća u pisanju, javlja s jednakom učestalošću među učenicima koji ovladavaju činom pisanja i učenika koji su pisanjem već ovladali. Analizom čitljivosti napisnog teksta kod dve grupe ispitanika uočava se da se prikazane sume indikatora koje ukazuju na postojanje teškoća u pisanju javljaju s jednakom učestalošću i da među njima u tom pogledu nema uočljivih razlika. Samim tim, ne beleži se povezanost teškoća u pisanju s fazom opismenjavanja, pri čemu su teškoće u pisanju prisutne kod 10,9% učenika koji tek ovladavaju pisanjem i 9,4% učenika koji su pisanjem već ovladali. Zaključak: Kako dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se teškoće u pisanju javljaju nezavisno od razreda koji učenici pohađaju i faze opismenjavanja, posebna pažnja u organizovanju obrazovno-vaspitnog rada mora se posvetiti pružanju dodatne podrške i uključivanju u stimulativno-defektološki tretman učenika koji se tokom osnovnoškolskog perioda suočavaju sa teškoćama u pisanju, bez obzira na uzrast kada se teškoće
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Writing is a complex process that is influenced by subjective and objective factors. Children master writing skills in the younger grades of elementary school. In the first and second grade, they master the act of writing and are mainly focused on the reproduction of the graphomotor sequence (calligraphic phase), and during the third and fourth grade, the handwriting is individualized. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a connection between the literacy phase and the quality of writing of students who are just mastering the act of writing and those students who have already mastered writing. Method: The research was conducted in 2016 in eight Belgrade elementary schools, on a sample of 1,156 students in the first cycle of elementary education, 603 students in the first and second grade and 553 students in the third and fourth grade. The McMaster Handwriting Assessment Protocol - 2nd edition was used to assess the speed of writing and the legibility of the written text. Results: Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in writing speed (p=.000) between students who are in the initial phase of literacy and students who have already mastered writing. However, it is noticed that the number of students whose writing speed is below the norm defined for each grade, and which indicates the existence of difficulties in writing, occurs with equal frequency among students who are mastering the act of writing and students who have already mastered writing. The analysis of the legibility of the written text in two groups of respondents shows that the presented sums of indicators that indicate the existence of difficulties in writing occur with equal frequency and that there are no noticeable differences between them in this regard. Therefore, there is no connection between writing difficulties and the literacy phase, with writing difficulties present in 10.9% of students who are mastering writing and 9.4% of students who have already mastered writing. Conclusion: As the obtained results show that difficulties in writing occur regardless of the grade that students attend and the literacy phase, special attention in organizing educational work must be paid to providing additional support and inclusion in the stimulative treatment of a special educator for students who face writing difficulties during elementary school, regardless of the age at which the difficulties are
dc.sourceZbornik rezimea 11. Međunarodni naučni skup Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas Beograd, 29–30. oktobar 2021. godinesr
dc.subjectbrzina pisanjasr
dc.subjectteškoće u pisanjusr
dc.subjectfaza opismenjavanjasr
dc.subjectčitljivost rukopisasr
dc.subjectdifficulties in writingsr
dc.subjectliteracy phasesr
dc.subjectlegibility of writingsr
dc.subjectwriting speedsr
dc.titleKvalitet pisanja učenika u odnosu na fazu opismenjavanjasr
dc.titleQuality of students writing in regard to the literacy phase

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