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Behavioral problems at a younger school age

dc.creatorĐurišić, Maša
dc.creatorŽunić-Pavlović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Behavioral problems that occur at a younger school age have a negative impact on the functioning of children in different domains. Numerous studies suggest that behavioral problems show stability during growing up and are significant predictors of mental disorders and difficulties in social functioning at an older age. In contemporary literature, especially domestic, insufficient attention was paid to the study of behavioral problems at a younger school age, which is critical for early identification and timely response in order to prevent negative developmental outcomes. Aim: The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence of behavioral problems of younger school age students, as well as to determine the differences in the manifestation of the problem in relation to gender and age. Method: The research included 541 students from six Belgrade primary schools. The Teacher’s Report Form from the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA TRF6/18) was used to assess student behavior. Results: The obtained data indicate that the level of problems among younger students in primary school is relatively low. In 15.8% of students, the frequency of the problem was at the borderline or clinically significant level. Problems are statistically more common in boys than in girls and in the elderly in relation to younger age. Conclusion: Findings on the prevalence of behavioral problems at a younger school age are important for practice because they provide clear guidelines for the application of preventive approaches and models in the school environment.sr
dc.description.abstractUvod: Problemi ponašanja koji se javljaju na mlađem školskom uzrastu imaju negativan uticaj na funkcionisanje dece u različitim domenima. Veliki broj istraživanja govori u prilog tome da problemi ponašanja pokazuju stabilnost tokom odrastanja i da predstavljaju značajne prediktore mentalnih poremećaja i teškoća u socijalnom funkcionisanju na starijem uzrastu. U savremenoj literaturi, posebno domaćoj, nedovoljno se posvećuje pažnja proučavanju problema ponašanja na mlađem školskom uzrastu koji je kritičan za ranu identifikaciju i blagovremenu reakciju u cilju prevencije negativnih razvojnih ishoda. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje prevalencije problema ponašanja učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta, kao i utvrđivanje razlika u ispoljavanju problema u odnosu na pol i uzrast. Metod: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćen 541 učenik iz šest beogradskih osnovnih škola. Za procenu problema ponašanja učenika korišćen je Upitnik za nastavnike iz Ahenbahovog sistema empirijski bazirane procene (ASEBA TRF/6-18). Rezultati: Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da je nivo problema kod učenika mlađih razreda osnovne škole relativno nizak. Кod 15,8% učenika učestalost problema je na graničnom ili klinički značajnom nivou. Problemi su statistički značajno učestaliji kod dečaka u odnosu na devojčice i na starijem u odnosu na mlađi uzrast. Zaključak: Nalazi o prevalenciji problema ponašanja na mlađem školskom uzrastu imaju značaj za praksu jer pružaju jasne smernice za primenu preventivnih pristupa i modela u školskom okruženjusr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik rezimea 11. Međunarodni naučni skup Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas Beograd, 29–30. oktobar 2021. godinesr
dc.subjectbehavioral problemssr
dc.subjectyounger school agesr
dc.subjectprimary schoolsr
dc.subjectproblemi u ponašanjusr
dc.subjectmlađi školski uzrastsr
dc.subjectosnovna školasr
dc.titleProblemi ponašanja na mlađem školskom uzrastusr
dc.titleBehavioral problems at a younger school age



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